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RE: What's up y'all

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago

I think it might have been me you were talking to, but that doesn't really matter. I think the corruption is more of a problem with the big national charities than the smaller local ones. I'm sure it happens everywhere, but if you can find a group where you know the people it helps. My wife and I used to give to a national charity every month that had global reach, but working in the public schools we see so much need in our local area that we decided to focus there more. We often buy Christmas gifts for students who we know won't get much and we transport holiday meals for families. I made it clear to my wife when we got together that if one of her students needs something she never needs to ask my permission (not that she needs it anyway), she just needs to let me know the charges are going to show up on our credit card statement.


If everyone focused on their local areas and did the right thing there would be less people in need; I also think that example would ripple outwards and inspire others to do the same thing; the problem is, so few want to do anything at all that doesn't revolve around, or directly benefit, themselves.

I totally agree. All we can do is keep trying.