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RE: Five years later

in Galenkp's Stuff5 days ago

My wife and I were pretty lucky that we got to keep our jobs during that time too. Like you said, basically just sitting home not doing much of anything and still getting paid for it. I know many people who weren't so lucky and they have a very different view or memories of that time period than I do. I remember seeing the rate of domestic violence greatly increasing during that time period as well. I wouldn't be shocked to find the rate of divorce also increased right after the pandemic. My wife and I were also able to still go camping, so that was kind of a release for us.


I heard domestic violence cases increased as well, suicide rates also. It was a strange time and difficult for many in different ways I suppose. We don't hear much about it now, here at least, however I believe the residual effects of it will be felt in many ways. Maybe they'll engineer another one soon because the last was so successful?

Well bird flu is on the rise apparently and those silly folks down in Texas seem to have allowed measles to start spreading again....

We get that same situation now and then. Egg shortages at the moment actually.

Yes, we have those right now too!