I laughed while I recalled one time I decided I wasn't going to take coffee so much anymore. Not like I am a heavy drinker but before the decision, I downed cupfuls, a lot to keep my eyes open and nerves steady to face the work at hand which rolled into late night. After battling insomnia for weeks after the job was over, I had to call it quits.
After some time of struggle, I managed to get past the urge a little. And one day, I went by an aunt's place and the air smelled sweetly of coffee. When I got back home, I had to make some for myself. And like yours, it dented my effort. I'm out of the hook now. Can't remember the last time I drank any.
Coca-Cola was the addiction I had this year. For every day in about 8 months this year, I took a bottle. It was fast-food when taken with snacks for me. School just did not help my feeding habits. It took me consciously reducing how I took it, from 7 times a week to 5 times a week, on and on until I could overcome. Was a little struggle. Then the holidays came and since coming back home, knowing the distance from my house to the store is something, I got a hold of myself.
You'll definitely fall in and out of the habit while trying to abstain. Go slow, you'll get over it soon
Haha, cupfulls of coffee prior to quitting... Interesting strategy. It's good that you attained your goal though.
You mention soda and fast food...so many are addicted to that, and it's pretty bad for the health. Again, you seemed to work towards reducing it which is good.
I'm going well so far today...well, I had one coffee, but I think that'll be it for the day. Time will tell. 🫣
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