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RE: Dependent

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

Yeah I think we will colonize somewhere else. I actually have half a mind that we are just one of many iterations of what we think of as "human" species on the planet. There is more evidence coming out of highly advanced species that existed around 12k years ago, who had pretty darn advanced tech to do things. Learned that as well from Randall lol. What they did to fuck it all up though, is the question. I know that at some point in the future we will fuck something up pretty bad, just not sure if it will be in my lifetime or not. A grim thought with children but sadly it is the nature of humanity.


I think humans should colonise two different places as follows:

  1. Uranus for smokers
  2. Somewhere else for everyone else

Oh! I bet my healthy, thin and slender figure of smoker no doubt will find Uranus as a very placid and peaceful place to live and work in front of a computer screen well away of other nasty humans. LoL
