The name checks out, you’ll get a pass.
I love seeing the daisies when they sprout - it means the good weather is on the way before it gets pretty hot. We are staring down the face of autumn here and I’m looking forward to it for sure, but savoring the last few weeks of summer weather. Autumn is my favorite for sure where we live though, beautiful places, weather and events.
I sat for ages trying to think of a better title...Like a whole ten or twelve seconds, then decided to roll with what you see. #whocares
Autumn is awsome, but then comes winter...and for those in the northern hemisphere that often means a really cold time of year. That happens here too, quote cold in the State of Tasmania in winter, but it can still be 30 (celsius) in the north and in my area between 12-20 so not too bad. (We still whine about the cold though.) Lol.