The things you will do to get a glimpse of some boobs eh?
Yeah, I've had a similar incident when we first moved into out current house. The bedroom is smaller than the one in our old house. So there is less room on each side of the bed. I had eaten something that did not agree with me that day and had fire coming out the backend. I was able to finally go to sleep but woke up suddenly with little time to spare. Jumped out of bed and misjudged my spacing and went head first into the wall as I exited the bed. Put a dent in the drywall and about shit my pants on the way to the bathroom. Not a good night.
Oh man, a double whammy!
Well, at least one didn't bring on the other...that would have been a shitty night indeed. Literally.
Yeah, it was cartoonish for sure. I didn't even get to see boobs either.
No boobs, now that's a tragedy.