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RE: Not old, just antique

Since I read the part where they have the idea of creating a campground, I read it and said I have to visit it sometime.

You can be sure that if they manage to create what they think, I’ll visit it.

Although by then, I think I already know most of Australia, thanks to your articles.

I find it interesting what you tell me about the wool baler, I had to look it up on the internet because there aren't sheep here 😅, so I had no idea, but looks pretty cool.

I would never leave those things (cars and machine) to their fate, at most I would sell them or donate them, there is always someone who will take advantage of them.

The farms in Australia must be museums with those sections😅

Thanks for the snake tips but I think you’re going to give me more tips to survive on my future visit to your land


I'll have to teach you some local slang phrases and, of course, some swear words and how to string them all together...once done you'll be accepted as a local in no time! 😂