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RE: Lucky 13

in Galenkp's Stuff7 months ago

Here’s mine 😅

When the new director of our hospital arrived, he hated that number; according to him ... he had lost more patients in bed 13 than in the operating room. So, he ordered the removal of the number from all wards in the hospital, resulting in chaos.

Doctors couldn’t remember this and kept using it. Patients, orderlies, and nurses had to deal daily with the task of finding a bed that didn’t exist. Months later, underneath each number 14, a #13 appeared, a rebellion. To this day, they still refer to bed 14-13 😅


Haha, that's a great story!

I know hotels that do not have level 13 or room 13 and have heaed if other such things. Isn't human superstition funny and interesting?