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RE: Licking it and sucking on it

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

I also fell for instructions from social networks several times.
once when I was looking for the easiest way to peel a pomegranate, and another time when I wanted to make ginger cakes.

The dough ended up in the garbage can, as did the pomegranate, which along the way destroyed my shirt with its juice 🤣
Since then, I only trust a video clip that has not gone through editing and that goes from piece to piece, without throwing out key, failed parts...


Lol, yeah fucken pomegranates are hard to eat, tasty though.

I'm not into those videos, I'd rather come up with my own way or read a book that describes the process step by step. Like you say, mostly edited to remove the parts that didn't work. They must think people are stupid, or are just treating people like they are.