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RE: Old

in Galenkp's Stufflast year (edited)

Such memories are beautiful and it draws us closer to our ancestors even when we never met them.
My paternal grandfather served the missionaries who came to our region and when they were leaving, they gave him a big clock. Grandpa didn't know the time but it was a gift he cherished so much.
Even after he was gone, the clock continued to occupy a prestigious position in his living room. I was calling it Grandpa's clock long before I knew that it was really called 'Grandfather clock".
I loved how the pendulum would swing from left to right and back again, and the tick-tock sound as the hands travel round the clock.
It brings back memories and though it's no longer working, it still occupies the position, it keeps reminding me of that beautiful phase in my Grandpa's life.


I think it's so great to have visible reminders of those who came before us, I don't just mean photos though, items they used, like the clock, are just as valuable.

Yes I agree, thank you.