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RE: Not so good...

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

Hi Galen, I remember those black and white photos and I remember I didn't say anything to you. Normally I like more black and white in photography, but for this time I, the photo that I like the most is the last one you posted today with its yellow and purple colors.

And everything comes at the right time, when it touches .... there is a saying around here that goes:

“It doesn't matter how early you get up; "It doesn't dawn any earlier."

Have a great day, now I'm going for a walk....

Best regards.


They look pretty good right? I tried to do something different with the light board...I'm not sure if it looks as good as it did in my head, but I had fun and that's what counts.

I don't know what's in your head, the pictures looked good. And, of course, the main thing is to enjoy making the creation (at least that's what I think).

I don't know what's in your head

Some might nothing, but it could be just a walnut. 👇


It looks like a brain, something rare in a head. Try to keep it.😁

Well, I think a walnut is better than nothing at all right?

I guess that's true, that a nut is better than nothing.
I'll see you later, I have to get on with my business... Regards