
Yeah, you're profession is a tough one for sure, anything to alleviate some of the complexities would be welcome I'm sure.

I also think that my profession is complex, it is a craft that works with a different material each time. But it should not be so complex, I think we will be replaced in a few years by AIs. All that remains is to make a decision tree, get to the pathology and then give guidelines and medications. Or both. I think it's crazy, but it's a model shared by many professionals (maybe it's not me who will be out of a job and it will be them 😁).

Yeah, the decline into chaos has begun and the take over by AI of many things will accelerate it, all pushed along by humans who think it's "easier" to have AI and other automated systems do things on their behalf.

Just, I also think we are at that moment of chaos. As always is not the instrument, but the use made of it. And it seems that humanity is not prepared for this tool, or at least there is a great interest in making a perverse use of it.

Returning to books, I think most people do not know the number of mistakes that chatgpt makes, and what is worse, nor interests him, it seems that for them it is better to consult the AI ​​than read and strive a little.

Yep, agreed! So many wouldn't know proper writing if it jumped up and but them on the ass so simply assume the AI features do it right which, of course, doesn't often happen. And yep, I agree with the comment about striving, that people just don't want to work hard, which is why they cut corners and things are fast-declining.

It is what it is, I hope that many people wake up (I don't like this phrase, but I don't know what else to use), as I said, wake up soon. While this happens I am already preparing other shit photographs...