As many people do, I have most of the content steaming services and enjoy a wide selection of choice when it comes to what I'm able to watch...but there's so much rubbish it can be difficult to find the few gems I'll eventually watch. I watch a lot of documentaries, mainly nature related, although add in different things based on my curiosity, interests or desire to learn more in general. As a history addict I watch many documentaries on various historical things and military documentaries feature prominently along with engineering, automotive and car racing stuff.
On Sunday, I was perusing Netflix and came across something that leapt out at me immediately, jet fighters, and more specifically the U.S. Navy Blue Angels - the elite (and legit) jet fighter demonstration team. Yep, I was on it!
I expected to see some cool vision of the jets flying and performing maneuvers (which I did) and it was also cool to get some behind-the-scenes understanding of how they operate, how many people it takes to get those six pilots and their jets to a show and into the air (141 if you're wondering) and what each does, the training process, the attention to detail and the selection process all of which (and more) is covered in the documentary.

I'm not going to do a review of it, you can watch it for yourself (or not) but will say that I related to the ownership and discipline each member of the Blue Angels (all 141 of them) display and, of course, the dedication to excellence. The ethos isn't about perfection, they know that does not exist, instead they focus on doing the small things well and they know in doing so they have a chance of achieving excellence; flying jet fighters eighteen inches apart whilst performing maneuvers at between 120 and 700mph requires excellence.
The Blue Angels began in 1946 when Admiral Chester Nimitz decided it would be advantageous to bring Naval Aviation to the people of America...and the people came in droves to see them perform - some 11 million spectators each year.
It's much more than that now though, as you'll see if you watch the show, and many years later are steeped in history and have gained a reputation of excellence on the ground and in the air; an example for all I believe. Every member of the Blue Angels carries a legacy of those who came before them, the Blue Angels and those who conducted naval aviation combat missions in World War Two only eleven years prior to their formation, and each also remembers the twenty eight Blue Angel pilots who have died whilst in the air - A family is what they call themselves, and I'd say that's a perfect description.
That's the most recent thing I've watched on Netflix, how about you? I'm not interested in hearing about movies as most are rubbish, but have you seen a good documentary lately? Feel free to share it if you have and if you have seen the Blue Angels in action please comment about it...and drop photos if you have any.
Speaking of photos, all were taken by me on my phone from the Netflix show.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
Hi Galen , I'm going to share with you an old 2020 documentary I saw recently “Fantastic Fungi”. In this documentary it talks about the role of fungi in maintaining life on Earth and at the end it picks up their therapeutic use e in depression. I think it is a fantastic documentary and an opportunity to learn about the self-regulating mechanisms of the planet, for example how fungi influence the climate.
I recently watched a documentary on fungi which was quite fascinating; I thought I knew a lot (a fair bit) but realised there is so much I don't know about it. Truly incredible really. I wonder if it was the same one you watched, it could well be.
It is most certainly the same documentary, it is from Netflix.
Have a nice evening
This show amazed me as well. However, if we speak about aviation acrobatics, my favorite still are Frecce Tricolori. But, don't get me wrong I have great respect for Blue Angels.
Anything that involves fighter jets is ok by me, no matter the country of origin. 😁
Yeah, I like them too, but I think nothing can't beat WW2 dogfight dynamic. Probably looking into enemy eyes is a whole other level than taking him down 40km away :)
Oh yeah, those lads knew how to do it and the fear factor would have been off the scale I'd say. Same with the Flying Fortress crews bombing into Germany against the Messerschmitt fighters...to think they were just boys of 18-22 mostly. #respect
Today is the anniversary of D-Day, th landings on the beaches of Normandy in WWII...The same goes there...boys mainly. A terrible state if affairs but required. Those were the days when people knew how to take responsibility and ownership.
The discipline and perseverance there is impressive and trying to achieve the best every day is transferable to each one of us. Work every day to improve a little bit more.
I love documentaries, especially nature documentaries, but the last one I saw is the adaptation of a real case. A mniseries called El Caso Asunta.
I liked it a lot and it leaves many questions.
Discipline is everything and can be applied to everything... should be.
I should... but I see so many people... how to say lazy? Lazy? I can't find the word... how is the world going to move forward like this?
Yep, lazy is the word.
My wife and I just finished watching Thank You and Goodnight the other night. It's the docu series on Bon Jovi. It's my wife's favorite band and I have come to love them over the past decade plus that I have been married to her, so it was a good watch for us. Might not be everyone's cup of tea though. There is a documentary series that I always stop on whenever it is on TV. It's called Aerial America and it shows on the Smithsonian channel. Stunning videos and commentary on the country I call home. I think they have branched out in recent years and done a couple episodes in Europe and Africa as well.
I like those documentaries, the insight to the person,/band etc. is often quite eye-opening. There's a good one on KISS I saw recently and a couple good ones on Queen I recall seeing.
So many good documentaries, so little time.
I bet that KISS one would be really good. I saw an interview with Gene quite some time ago and it was impressive just how smart and well spoken he is. The demon is definitely just a persona!
Yep it was great, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons were the core of the band with the rest just hangers-on. They had so much strife with Ace Frehley actually. It was a good show and demonstrated that Gene and Paul were the real deal.
I saw KISS a while ago. I also saw Ace solo when he opened for Sammy Hagar.
The dedication and discipline of the Blue Angels are truly inspiring! Their pursuit of excellence through meticulous attention to detail is a powerful lesson. Have you seen them perform live?
I've not seen them live but I hope to do so someday.
I'm glad you found such an interesting documentary.
Documentaries about fighter aircraft are often fascinating, especially when they show the human side and the dedication it takes to achieve excellence in that field.
I haven't seen that particular documentary, but it sounds very interesting.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
No worries.
Hmm what about a film that is based on real life events? Does that count? Haha. It's called Dumb Money. Haha.
I've not heard of that one.
It's about the Gamestop saga in 2021. Coincidentally, it's happening now again. Lol!
I love your curiosity about everything. You said I want to know about historical stuff, engineering and automotive and car racing too. In the current time, Netflix people only think about how to hold people. They also have many ways of it, so that people give their hours or precious time to Netflix by paying them. Which is very stupid thing. You have your say in this matter. @galenkp
I read much of what I want to learn and have done for most of my life...I've lived a lot of it too, I'm not a young kid, and have had so many experiences, some that very few may ever have, so Netflix is the last place I rely on to get my information. As for paying for Netflix, I have no problem with it, or with paying for the multiple other streaming and paytv subscriptions I have, I guess that's a by-product of working hard my whole life to put myself into a position to be able to furnish my life with the things I need.
I was not talking about netflix for you, you misunderstood. I used to say that Netflix has so many web series and movies that people waste precious time watching them. Which is really something to think about. @galenkp
Ah ok...yeah they do and much of it is rubbish...I like the documentaries though and some of the series are good.
Yes, I understood what you meant. Thanks for replying to my post.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/15) @edgerik tipped @galenkp
I wanted to have an engagement in your work but I'm not a fan of documentary movies. 😁 I don't like history too. No matter how I wanted to study it will not remain in my memory. 😊 Thank you for sharing about the Blue Angels.😊
Better Luck next post. See you around.😊
Isn't it because of the ongoing dispute to territories and war in some parts of the world that jets have piqued your interests? 🤔
Jets piqued my interest when I first saw them probably around the age of 4 years old...so no, you're incorrect in your assumption.
I don't think it's on Aussie Netflix at the moment, but this one was confronting.
All that 'ethnic cleansing' we hear about is carried out by human beings. We expect we'd kind of recognise these monsters if we saw them, but they look just like us because they are just like us. Given the right confluence of circumstances, maybe we'd do the same thing.
That looks like a good one, confronting I'd imagine, but something I'd want to watch; thanks for the heads up. Let's hope Netflix picks it up.
I count discipline as being one of the driving forces to success.
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