Cleo in the jungle

in Galenkp's Stuff10 months ago


Technically it's not a jungle, it's a pot of Dactylis Glomerata, but don't tell Cleo that, she's most pleased to think of it as a jungle and enjoys finding her wild side within it.

Cleo is an exclusively indoor cat and very pampered. She gets carried around a lot, to dinner, to the end of the bed for naps, onto my lap to watch TV shows and movies and just because she's enjoyable to cuddle. Occasionally she gets carried outside for an adventure but she's not allowed out there by herself or to wander about on the ground. She's a much-loved part of my family and gets the royal treatment all the time. She's claimed the house as her own, like most cats do, and everyone and everything revolves around her as the supreme ruler.

She has a lot to keep her entertained inside like toys, scratchy poles and of course humans to play with, cuddle and lavish attention on her which she takes full advantage of. We have a reasonably large house so there's also plenty of opportunity to run around...but sleep trumps running so there's more of the former than the latter. Cleo sleeps as lot, most cats do, and is most content curled up with me or my partner sleeping as we watch a movie or read and the other entertainments, including running, are always secondary to sleep.

Because she's in indoor cat we like to bring some of the outdoors inside and that's where the Dactylis Glomerata, more commonly known as 'cat grass' comes into it.

It's a herb and not technically grass, and has some nice little purple flowers in the warmer months. It loves sunny positions which is excellent as I have some really nice indoor spots that become flushed with sunlight and in which Cleo loves to lay and snooze; as you can see Cleo likes to get deep inside her jungle. The grass itself is actually good for pets to eat as it contains minerals and vitamins that an indoor cat may not otherwise get and it's good for dogs as well apparently.

Quite often Cleo can be found chomping on or playing with her cat grass; she swipes at it with her paws as if telling it off for doing something wrong and eventually pokes her head into it and flops down for as snooze which is when I grabbed the photo above.

I'd be quite lost without Cleo in my life and even thinking about not having her, which will eventually occur of course, makes me very sad although we have her now and the enjoyment and happiness she brings is immeasurable and that's what we hold onto.

Have you got a pet and if so would you like to tell me about it in the comments? Feel free to do so if you'd like, comment generally also, or not at all; the choice is always yours.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


Awww so cute!

We have three cats.
Squeek is the elders, a dull grey cat that is sort of skittish and doesn't make a meow sound... a squeek instead.
Lexi is a tabby/siamese cross that is tiny. She is a drama queen and likes to talk (that is the siamese in her). She looks pissed off but really likes to cuddle.
And then there is Mittens. We got him when he was a kitten and he is nearly Squeek's size. I think he's going to be huge. He is a fat ass and a trash panda... He's adorable and he eats a lot.

We got mittens when we lost Chai, a dull tea coloured ginger kitty that was run over by a bus... still miss him a lot. He was nearly as dumb as Mittens lol.

Reading your comment I get the sense that your cats bring you a lot of happiness, as mine also have. They're special creatures and I'm so grateful I've had them in my life.

When I've lost mine, Dixie, Gemmi and Merlin I've been rather devastated and I'll be the same when Cleo is gone. But having them in my life made it better and that's what counts.

Indeed. I love the cats and they make Claire happy as well. As much as it is sad to see them go, we need our cats. As you say, they make our lives better and we spoil them for it! Haha!

I hope Cleo stays around for a long time to come!

Well, if yours get as pampered as mine did and Cleo still does they'll live long lives. I treat my cats better than I treat people...I like them more than people too. 🙄 (Not joking.)

Indeed! People are mostly awful!

Hey there, Cleo! You are a very beautiful lady!
I am sure she's in good hands but how do you handle the jungle part? I ended up giving up on all my plants which were not a few from the fear of not happening something to my cats. Most of the plants we have in our houses are very toxic for our furry friends :(

She's a lovely little thing for sure and my whole household revolves around her. Fortunately these plants are non toxic to cats and we're really careful with what else we have in the house just in case she was to take a nibble.

No cats here because I am allergic to them. Otherwise we would proba ly have a few.

This little guy has the way of the place like you mention with Cleo. Hangs put with me in my curation chair, naps in the strawberry patch in the backyard, and playing an hour a day in the park. Where would i be without him? I hate to think about that.

I have a little dog grass though! In the back yard, i leave a little patch of unmowed grass so he has a comfy place to lay down and survey his yard.

Pets of hive are so much fun.

It looks like he has a good life, lucky fellow.

You are right Galen, loving your pet, especially a cat is an unfathomable love, I had a cat Molly, and she is already in the Eden of pets, whose memory still remains intact, for everything lived with her, , Molly is carved in the memorable, famous years, absolutely glorious, of full fortune and overflowing happiness for both, after her departure, now that I think about it while reading your post about your love for Cleo, everything makes sense...

They make our lives so much better and are worth remembering.

Pets are family, and they depend on how we educate them in their upbringing, and obviously, they end up looking like their owners. I send to Cleo, miauloviuuuu 😻

Hi Galen, Cleo is a beautiful kitty and I have no doubt she is the queen of the house. I have had pet several times in my life. At my parents' house we once had a cat, whose name was Gata, who only loved my father. And I remember a rather surprising (I think) anecdote about her. Once, when we were doing some works at home, we left the cat in the countryside, at a friend's house, about 50 kilometers away from home. One day she disappeared from the friends' house causing a great displeasure to both families.
The surprise was that a few days later the cat was in the park near my parents' house, waiting for my father. He had run away to be with my father again.

Happy Sunday

Cats are incredible really, and I've heard many stories like yours where they have travelled great distances. Amazing huh?

It is Galen.

I have lived with three cats in my life and they are very special beings.
Have a great week

Cleo looks great in her jungle, I imagine they like the smell of the plants and their taste from time to time..... I really love animals, what I like most about a cat is its personality and character, although I don't allow any at home because I wouldn't really know how to deal with them in my apartment, which is not very big.
I remember once I rescued a black kitten because he was injured presumably by a dog bite, I cured him and put him on antibiotics, I had at home at that time a beautiful little cokers dog, she loved the cat more than myself, when I came home from work I found them together and the cat wet, I didn't understand at first what was going on, until I observed my baby licking him all the time, and the cat loved it.
When he was fine I gave him up for adoption, today I regret it very much, he was a good cat and a beautiful friend for my Luna 😔.

Now I have Chloe, a terrible chichuaha who declares open war on Pitbulls and any big dog that comes near her, but luckily she is afraid of cats, a cat in defense is to be feared.....

What would I be without them? I don't know, I think I really need them....

I just think about how to take my Chloe with me when it's time to leave this place.

Haha, Chloe the attack chihuahua...unless it's a cat and then she's scared. That's funny!

You clearly understand the way a cat can make someone feel and I think it's nice to have such a friend in life. Dogs can have the same effect but I prefer cats personally.

Well, I really know how to understand better with a dog, the problem with the cat is that it is a very independent being and of course it loves you and seeks your company, but the dog is more interactive with people while the cat is a proud and presumptuous gentleman with a lot of personality...well I said it clearly...😂
Let's enjoy our's what it is...🙏

I don't know if I've ever told you, I don't think I have, but... I love cats!!! And I have two, I don't think I told you.... Cata and Tony, they are my loves, my children, my babies and everything! I am theirs, the house is theirs, everything is theirs and I grow catnip for them to eat and Cata as soon as she wakes up... she sleeps with me, she screams at me that she wants her salad hahaha

I could write about them all my life but then I will have the longest comment title in history. Tony ... I spoil him too much, he is my sweet baby and Cata is my guardian panther!!!

I don't think I told you that I love cats!😍

Nah, you never told me before. 🤪

I made a short comment, considering that... I love cats...hahahaha good night to me, good day to you!😃

Cleo for Cleopatra, a royalty and she gets a royal treatment. She's very cute and makes me want to get a cat, but I'm not too good at handling pets so I stay away.

Yep, Cleopatra us her full name but we call her Cleo and many other nicknames also. She helps make me life very happy and certainly gets treated like royalty.

Cleo looking as beautiful as ever, that photo sums up how all indoor cats are.

In my case, my partner and I have three kittens (Nily , Smsm y Orion), they all came to us in different ways but the love is the same, although sometimes they drive us crazy and even make us have more than one scare, because we lose them. Our house is big and it has a patio that makes it difficult to find them, but reading you is like seeing ourselves in a mirror, it is incredible how one can come to love a pet so much and it is that if you think about it, on many occasions they are better than us humans.

Cleo halps relax me and never fails to soften my mood if needed, bring me a smile or cause stress to melt away. They're incredible animals and Cleo makes every day better. I'm sure yours are the same.

Mate, it's amazing how the world can be falling apart but kittens look at you, feel you, and are able to lift up your world, it's an inexplicable magic

We’ve got two pets. Lucy (Lulu, Lucifer, Snufflepig) is a two-year-old British Labrador with boundless energy. Bootsie (Boots, The Prince of Darkness) is a 17-year-old part-Siamese indoor-outdoor cat who’s a killing machine. Mice, voles, bunnies, birds, and frogs tremble at his wrath.

Lolled at prince of darkness! Cats are awesome.

Wow, she is a very homely cat, she reminded me of the one in the Garfield cartoon, good thing she is spoiled, most of the cats I have had like to be solitary, they don't like to be petted and were in their own world, every night they left and didn't come home until they wanted to, of course always with a new bite that I had to cure. I love cats because of their personality because they respect my space, well, I think it must also be the way they get used to it, now I can't have cats because of my dog that has killed all my cats so I gave up the idea of having them.

Some cars can be anti-social however I'm lucky that all my cats have been very loving and have always sought to be wherever my partner and I may be in the house. They all loved. Uddles too, as does Cleo, and I don't mind...cuddling my cats makes me very happy.

If I had a dog that was killing my cats I'd shoot the dog.

That is why I have no more cats, I will wait for Black to live out her life and after her I will have a cat, we all love Black at home as if it were not for her burglars would be coming in all the time as they did before I had her, and I have the worst aim in the world, so having a gun would be a danger with my marksmanship.

I like dogs, but one that kills is not trustworthy in my opinion, hence my comment.

And also, if you're not a good aim...yep, it's good you don't have firearms. 😊

Yes, it's the best, hahaha, happy weekend.


Humbug is our chief whoopit - that’s a word I made up because I’m eccentric and nuts about this cat!

Humbug us a good name for this cat, looks a lot like a humbug. It's amazing how much cats can come to mean and incredible the enjoyment they bring into people's lives. I like animals generally, but my cats have meant the most to me. Thanks for sharing.

It’s definitely a jungle and she’s definitely a mighty hunter.

We might need to get more cat grass at some stage, the lot we had in a planter on the catio died.

She loves it and I have catnip there as well, drives her bonkers.

The only pet I had was a canary, which we got when trying to get a dog 🤣
As it happens, we children were not interested in taking care of him and the little yellow bird became our father's concern (until she died).
Now in the building where we live, there is a cat (for years), who is fed by the neighbors and who lives in our entrance.
Sometimes she comes into our apartment when we come home, takes a little nap, then stretches out on our floor, we pet her a little and soon, when she gets nervous, we let her out of the apartment into the corridor of the building.

I don't think having no pet would make me happy although, when Cleo is gone we won't rush into getting one as we're looking to do a long trip around Australia in our caravan, a year or so, and taking a cat wouldn't work so well. We'll see.

As a kid we had an aviary with budgies, finches and canaries in was nice to hear them chirping happily and their colours were nice. I don't like to see them locked up now though.

Oh wow, you're so lucky your cat likes to cuddle. I've heard of some owners where their cats don't like it and it breaks their heart. I have an English Mastiff dog, Dani, and she is very big and heavy. She is around 40+ kgs, so she is very difficult to carry around. She likes to play in the garden, lie down with her belly exposed and get belly rubs.

Some cars are very solitary and like you say, it would make me very sad. Cleo is a cuddler so I'm happy.

That's a big dog indeed! I had a rottweiler a similar weight actually, great dog...but not one to tolerate cats. I like dogs a lot but prefer cats.

I prefer cats too, but I'm not the only one in the house. They hate cats, so we ended up with dogs instead.

Ah ok, makes sense I guess. I've had some great dogs, growing up in the country meant we had a couple at a time, Border Collies, which were excellent company. Having said that, we had loads of animals around, I guess one of the reasons I like them so much.

Cleo is an active and kind cat, I hope you will always be happy with Cleo's presence..

I used to have a cat, and when we were traveling for the day, it was stolen by someone, which really made me angry and sad.

I can imagine you were quite upset when your cat was stolen. Sad indeed.

ifu is a very sad thing, I have taken care of the cat for almost a year, I took care of it from childhood to adulthood.

But for real G . It really does look like a jungle... 😂😂😂 That car is posing very well for the picture

She doesn't mind having photos taken.

That's one hell of a pose😂😂😂😂😂 I've got two of them... I call them YEET and No YEET 😂😂😂

Lol, good names. Does Yeet mean something in particular?

Yes it means lively, Sociable, enthusiastic and everything that represents a happy go lucky person... Well some people use that in place of : Yeah.. so when you say something and they agree they say : YEET

Ah ok, not something we say in Australia I guess. Not a bad cat name though.

It's all over America 😂😂😂😂

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