Deleted effort

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

you fucken suck and you know it.JPG

Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.

- John Ruskin -

I look at a lot of posts each week and as I navigate around I go straight to a users post feed the posts they have personally done rather than reposts from other people that appear in the blog feed. Sometimes I'm really impressed with what I see, passion and personality and a lot of effort in presentation, use of their own photographs rather than stock images and some pride in their work...I also see the opposite. I curate accordingly and move on making a mental note to come back, or not, depending on what I've seen.

We can all do whatever we like here, freedom and all, but something that irks me is when people delete posts (for any reason) and edit into the text field the word DELETED, ERASED or ERROR. I see that a lot.


I recently had a case in one of my communities where I'd contacted a user who had not followed the community rules. I advised the user and somewhat predictably the user whinged and complained, I reiterated that I have to enforce the rules on everyone to be fair on everyone and that because it's my community I have that right...and the user complained some more...and the next thing had deleted the entire post, copied it into another one and reposted it elsewhere in another community. That's fine of course, freedom and all, however it left a post on that user's post feed that said DELETED and I don't feel that's a good look for one's post feed.

DELETED and move on, I wrote another full post, called out my own error and moved on. If you're interested in seeing it you can do so here. It wasn't a great post, but then none of mine really are. It showed some ownership and effort though.We all make posting errors; a little while back I posted one of my Friday #weekend-engagement posts which I was editing, too early in the week and only an hour or so after my previous post...It happens. I edited it of course, but I didn't just write the word

I could have just edited the text out and written the word DELETED of course, but I took ownership and responsibility and, besides, it would drive me fucken bonkers to have a post on my post feed that simply said DELETED. It's about how I present myself, my self-respect and, of course, I'd never want to earn rewards on such a post.

Everything remains on the blockchain. I'm not sure if people understand that. Anyone can search any one else's posts and comments and find them, even the deleted text and every edit that has ever been made on the post or comment. Nothing is hidden or permanently deleted.

I know people delete posts, or edit them, as they have a rethink on what they wrote and want to change it, maybe they spoke rashly and have decided it wasn't legitimate and they want to remove the text...but it's still there and can be found, very easily in fact - anyone can do it. Editing happens for many reasons though, including things like my fuackassery with the post mentioned above, my mistake. I agree with editing however I disagree with people editing a post and putting the single word DELETED or ERROR into it, especially if they simply cut the text out and repost it elsewhere.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 101331.png


As I've said a couple times in this post, we are all free to act in accordance with our own wishes however I believe a user should make an attempt to represent themselves well and a post feed that looks like the one above isn't the way to do that. Just for the record, the user above was reposting (recycling) her own work multiple times to gain more rewards on the same work then deleting the original post text so she wouldn't get caught...but she did get caught...remember how everything on the blockchain is recoverable as previously mentioned? And...someone is always watching.

I understand that mistakes happen and sometimes posts need to be edited due to typo and fact errors, changes of mind, image changes, and so on...but there's a better way to do it than simply deleting the original text and writing DELETED or ERROR into the post. That post above, the one I had to edit, took me about fifteen minutes to write and post and whilst it was still far too close to the previous post from a time perspective, it was the best way to go for me as it represents a little effort and ownership and keeps my post feed looking better...even though the post wasn't my best work.

These days, I keep a post in draft-form which is complete and ready to publish, a generic post which I can use to edit into a mistake-post if I need to; that reduces the lead-time from mistake post to rectification post and means as soon as I realise I have to edit out an existing post I can drop that text in there in a matter of minutes. It seems prudent and will mitigate a lot of the stress at the time.

Note: Since that posting mistake above, I never tag posts until the moment before I publish. That was what I did wrong; I had the post tagged up and ready to go and mistakenly hit publish instead of save. So, best practice with any posts is to add the tags at the very moment right before publishing as a post cannot be published without tags; that way there's no chance of premature postjaculation.

Sometimes a post may need to be totally deleted and re-done...but that doesn't mean one needs to delete their effort, ownership and responsibility to represent themselves well. Showing effort, writing some new text is a good way to address issues like this when they occur and will be much better than a post that says, DELETED, sitting on a person's post feed, and which is almost certainly going to have its rewards removed.

Have you ever edited a post? Do you even know how? Have you ever made a mistake so badly that you felt you had to delete the entire text of a post? If so, what did you do - post the word DELETED or did you write in some new text to present it, and represent yourself, better on your post feed?

Feel free to comment if you like, share your thoughts or stories and ideas on how best to manage those times users make catastrophic posting errors that need to be totally reversed with a whole post-edit.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[All original and AI free]
The main image in this post is my own, the second image is a screenshot.


No, I've never, ever made a mistake. I'm far too much of a perfectionist for that! 🙃

Lol, well damnit, I forgot to put the disclaimer: Dierdyweirdy is exempt from mistakes.

I meant to do it but...made a mistake.

It's nice to see that your posts are as engaging as ever.

Dating back, I was puzzled when I saw some of those you mentioned. It was like a habit before because of the reason that anything published here is published on the blockchain. And the blockchain records every data that enters it. However, it will stay on the blockchain forever leaving no choice for deletion. That is why a lot of bloggers from back then did that to correct or conceal what should not have been there.

If you remember, or if you know the previous Steemit Blogging Platform (not sure if it's still there) all new users we're required to write an introduction post and introduce themselves with their real faces holding their usernames on a piece of paper. And to some it was a big choice to do because they risk privacy and personal information.

Not everyone is easily agreeing to that process but it was a rule. And truth be told I was one of them. I did the introductory post and weeks later deleted my real photo and just replaced it with the word "DELETED".

An introverted person like myself isn't really reluctant to see my photo from anywhere else. People like me could think that these properties can easily be exploited for unwanted purposes - that's how we take seriously the dangers of trying to exist in a new online community. (back then earning through your post was very new and it's too good to be true)

But thinking about it now, although I know how other's opinions are and a lot of factors can be considered to not go that far, I think I would still do the same if that time was the present. Those were my days could say I was desperate to live by myself and wanted to hold on to the freedom that I gained. But knowing just how you want things to move forward for you is not enough to guarantee you that choice.

It was an experience I will never regret.

It's lazy to delete text and replace it with the word deleted rather than with a post that adds more value. It also doesn't look good (in my opinion) to have a post like that on one's feed. So, a little effort goes a long way right?

As for putting one's image on above or any blogging platform...people don't really have privacy in life, it is an illusion people like to cling to, and that's ok; the reality is that no one has privacy and anything/everything can be found if one knows where and how to look.

That's true, indeed. An illusion....

This reminds me of one mistake of mine which i made in my starting days, It was my first time taking part in your weekend engagement topics.

I forgot to place the weekend engagement tag, i am not sure if you remember that or not, but you pointed out the mistake and told me that you have not done it. I was unaware of editing the post at that time.

Later on you told me that simple you had to do was to edit that post and add the tag. And you also told me how to edit the post. Thank you.

As far as this thing is concerned that

Have you ever made a mistake so badly that you felt you had to delete the entire text of a post

No, i am very carefull while writing a post. Even now, i do some paper work before writing my post here. So, very low chances of mistake. Because i want my feed very neat and clean. And i think everyone wants it.


There’s always things we don’t know when we begins, I was the same when I started and there’s things I still don’t know. I don’t remember you missing the weekend-engagement tag but a few do it from time to time.

I am trying to improve by time and will do it with my full effort and hard work.

Persistence is the key, keep at it, be open to suggestions and ask questions then implement wheat you learn. You’ll get there.

Noted. I wont disappoint anyone, if having any kind of trust on me.

Always learning with you and grateful, a mistake so terrible as to write a publication has not yet happened to me, but if it does, I already know how to proceed. And as for recycling text for more rewards, It's only a matter of time before it's discovered. It's silly. I learned something today, I know I will never see a post with that ugly error sign on my blog. Greetings from Havana!!!! I'm relieved .

I'm happy to help people with a little perspective, and especially my Cuban friends like yourself; you folks have been really great to work with and have all been polite, engaging and some have gotten involved with my concepts and communities and I appreciate that.

wow! What a beautiful comment about Cubans. Thank you so much !!! We have lived through very hard periods, including now, and life tells us that we must learn without ego, observing the best ways to do.

You folks have had a tough time, I know that and it's a pity the collective has to suffer because of the few...that's how it is mostly with humans though. From what I have seen the Cubans are doing well on Hive, sure there's language barriers and all, but those who have chosen to engage with me seem to be on the right track. Keep it up.


I've made a few mistakes here and there, mostly forgetting to put a picture or something. I think I've had one post where I made a big mistake and the curator told me about it. I didn't delete or change the post, but I learned from it.

We have al made mistakes in life, and on Hive also; it's how we deal with them that matters though. Some don't take very well being told they've not complied with community rules and that never goes well for them. It's a matter of courtesy I guess, respecting that someone else's space may have rules attached to it.

I could have just edited the text out and written the word DELETED of course, but I took ownership and responsibility and, besides, it would drive me fucken bonkers to have a post on my post feed that simply said DELETED. It's about how I present myself, my self-respect and, of course, I'd never want to earn rewards on such a post.

Yeah, that would bug me too. Already it bugs me when I forget to reblog one of my own posts so that it only shows up on the "all posts" tab and not the "blog" tab. I'm a bit OCD sometimes....

I think I only did that once, and on the Blockchain Poets account not my personal one. I forget why... but something was wrong enough that I felt I had to delete it. I replaced all the text with "Please don't vote. I screwed up. Nothing to see here—move on". Thinking back on it, I should have instead written something more, like a poem about my screwup. If it happens again, I'll have to do that!

My posts usually work through at least one draft on my computer before I copy and paste into Hive, so I usually don't have too many screwups. My only worry is since I schedule my posts about a week in advanced, what if something happens and they all publish at once? That happened to me on my Wordpress blog many many years ago. Of course with Wordpress you can just go in and unpublish them. Not so easy with Hive. Luckily that hasn't happened (yet)!

forget to reblog one of my own posts

I put all my posts into my blog feed and yeah, sometimes I forget to toggle that switch, it's easy enough to go back and reblog it manually but I get what you're saying, it bugs me. Lol.

I've never done the do not vote or deleted edit and I never will...however back in the day it could have happened. I think people want to rectify their error quickly and that's the fastest way, but it's not the best way.

It happens in my communities. I address their original post, sometimes because of dual language like a couple days ago, and instead of simply going, ok, sorry, and editing it into English (done very easily I might add), in which case the post will be unmuted...they edit to deleted. It's dumb, because then the post will stay muted (I don't like such dumb fucken posts in my community as they contravene guidelines) and I will downvote it to return rewards back to the pool as a post of that nature deserves none.

If you have a 250-300 word post ready to go in drafts all you need to do is cut and paste it into the original error post and you're good to go. A post calling yourself out on your error is ok, or anything generic at's probably not going to get the original post unmuted in that community, but it'll make your post feed look better. Add a bit at the tope explaining the error, apologising to the community and all...You're good to go.

Then, write another post in drafts and hold it for next time.

My only worry is since I schedule my posts about a week in advance

I've seen this go horribly wrong.

I never do this as it brings the opportunity for error. I sometimes schedule a post for later in the day...the #weekend-engagement topics post sometimes if I know I'll be out on Friday night, but even then, I always have my phone and I simply post it from there, or delay the post altogether. I see no point scheduling a week of posts as I'm always on Hive to respond to comments anyway...I'm on Hive each day so figure I can publish when I'm there. I'm engaged with Hive and scheduling a week ahead would make me feel disengaged. It takes two seconds to publish a post in real time. I know people do it though, schedule a week in advance. Not my thing.

I am a beneficiary of your advice!

This is my "deleted" post though I might still miss the point of trying to replace it with a more clear and obvious post that fits the Weekend Community! Here learning everyday from you guys and definitely like to be respectful of all rules within each Community! 😁

Yep, I remember that. It is sometimes hard to fit a whole new post to the community but one either accepts the mute or makes it fit. I will never unmute something that doesn't fit the community or guidelines, so it comes down to the authors choice, and they need to accept that their post will be treated accordingly. I've had people whinge and complain, a few have resorted to calling me disgusting names and racial slurs, their choice to do so of course, but I'm steadfast in my decisions and think only to enforce the rules in my communities because they're my communities and it's fair to do so across all users who turn up there.

Yeah no doubt about it! Takes courage to do what you're doing too since there are just a lot of people pleasers out there these days! Its great to be committed to what you're doing and ensure that the space is fair and everyone is treated the same regardless 👍

We live in a world of inequality and in which people want everything their own way, (entitlement ethos) and that's simply not possible.

I started my communities for my own purposes, as places where I can post things that relate to the theme of each, a file of sorts where I can locate those posts easily. Of course, people came along and posted there too which I do not mind. I set rules to help maintain the appearance and also to ensure the communities did not lose their theme, their purpose. I maintain those rules for the same reason and I have no qualms in muting posts that do not comply, although I take no pleasure from it. I think people believe I enjoy muting and that's their prerogative of course, I do not though; I do it though, because I respect the environment (and reasons) I've created those communities. I get attacked because of it of course, and that's ok too, sometimes I'll absorb it and at other times I'll act on it.

If someone came into my house and was told it's a non-smoking environment but lit up their cigarette anyway, how do you think that would go for that person? It's no different in my communities. I'm not sure that's courageous or me just maintaining my own personal standards and values. Either way, I'm ok to do so, because I only have to answer to myself and I want to maintain my ownership, sense of responsibility and integrity.

Hopefully this makes sense.

If someone came into my house and was told it's a non-smoking environment but lit up their cigarette anyway, how do you think that would go for that person?

Yeah definitely, and quite rightly so as you put it in this statement. There are rules in place for a reason and people simply have to comply with it. Being self-entitled and thinking that the world revolves around you is an unacceptable behaviour 😠

Yes exactly and life doesn't always deliver exactly what we would like. Slapping a person in the face is likely to inspire a reaction and people need to understand that.

Like this? 😂


Well, I believe otherwise. Mistakes come with the human experience, hiding them or painting over them seems to me like an overcompensation. Although I do respect people's aesthetic appreciation of their own spaces, I don't think it's a bad thing. Do you think it makes people vulnerable somehow? And to what kind of attack?

I've been around for a long time mate, I understand that mistakes are a human thing and I think they're a good learning opportunity. The way I read your comment though...indicates to me that if you made a mistake you'd not wish to rectify it? What about if that caused complications in a relationship that worked to your detriment? Seems like limiting behaviour.

I know you like to present yourself as a deep thinker, but in this case you're overthinking it as this post post isn't about deep thinking, it's about a person on Hive representing themselves well, or poorly.

Hence, my question. What are the real inconveniences of making a mistake and admiting them in a big Erased label? What are the vulnerabilities, and to whom?

There's of course a diference between a mistake which hurted someone or the self, like telling a lie that disrupted the relationships of other people. And there are mistakes as presented. It happened to me once. I, exploring ecency, I did a post but I made the mistake of not adding any community. Since I had saw it before in communities, big "MISTAKE" labels that's what I wondered. What are the wrongs commited to others or the self, but an admition of guilt? Is wasted space on the blockchain detrimental to Hive? That's what I am asking.

An admission of guilt is not really what I'm talking about here. Ownership is different. This is not making someone admit they were wrong, it's about a person taking ownership for themselves, their future and how they're perceived on the blockchain.

Sometimes an error cannot be rectified, like posting something into a community it does not belong. That's when a person has a choice...change it, write a post that does fit. Change it to the word deleted, or accept that they made a mistake, don't change it and will be muted for it by community admins. It's not about making them feel guilty at all, just ensuring they comply with the community guidelines.

Is wasted space on the blockchain detrimental to Hive?

No, it's not. But a person getting rewards on a post that says deleted is as that takes valuable rewards away from people took ownership to post with effort. A post, placed into the wrong community is as that sends the message to others that they can do the same and then what's the point of communities? Presenting oneself better here will help people engage with an account and editing a post to make it better isn't anything to do with guilt. You keep going on about guilt, but this post isn't about guilt, so your insistence in talking about guilt leads me to feel that guilt is on your mind but in the case of this post which is not about guilt, angling your comments around guilt is probably unproductive. I hope that's clear.

I think you're trying to overthink this, and lead it into a philosophical debate and I'm not interested in that line if conversation in respect of this post. Look, if you want some first hand understanding, publish a post in my weekend experiences community about something you did on a Wednesday. I'll address it of course, as it would contravene the rules of my community, and you can then apply some of your philosophy to what happens next.

Oh now I get it. I failed to understand the perspective of the moderator of a community. Of course is detrimental since it gives ill example to others. Sorry I got stuck there. My mistake.

Also thank you for taking the time to explain! Forgot to mention that.

It's ok, I figured you'd found your way to an area that was a little off-base from the post...I didn't want to complicate this post (and the message) with philosophical discussions around guilt and so on...the message is clear, *don't do posts that simply say, deleted.. And if it's done, expect the rewards to be removed and the post to be muted.

Now...Today, I have a post about beauty...You'll see it on my post feed within the hour...That's where you can entertain your philosophical thoughts to your hearts content. I'd be interested to hear your perspective.

THANK YOU for addressing this! I have been thinking the same. If it's worth the effort then, apart from an occasional genuine accident, why delete? And regularly. I have posts that have been in various stages of writing and editing - and re- re- re- editing for months. No joke. Months. Some never see the green light. I have edited a few times but never deleted. It is disappointing putting so much thought and effort in too and then the comments show a total lack of interest. Or even effort to read. Why bother then? Sorry this is one of my rare comments at the moment. My head is spinning we're so busy this side and I would love to write a post with limited time I'd rather check in on all the other busy bees

It's been on my mind and because someone did this exact thing in one of my communities day earlier I decided to post about it. Emptying a post of everything except a single word to fix it is bonkers right? I downvote them when I see them, and sometimes people get upset with me...seriously. They still want the rewards on a post that says deleted? Fucktards.

If you're busy it's understandable that you're not posting/commenting as much as you'd like. It's ok too, this is supposed to be fun, not a chore so you'll get to it when you can. Do you find you get some rewards from the writing itself, even though it sits in drafts? I do. I have things in there that may never see the blockchain.

Anyway, I hope things are well...can Instill call you Hoppy or is limpy more appropriate?

Hmmmmm....limping. It's been 3 months. I'm finally out of the airboot - although I probably shouldn't be. Healing. Just slowly. And the mumpling is over. FINALLY! What a nightmare. My goats were kidding in the midst of it with my best milking mama ripping her udder in the process. One of my horses got her leg caught in a fence - she has attitude so that's no surprise - but she injured the hock so I was literally hopping out to her to treat her daily. With all the unseasonal wierd wet weather (hello semi-desert over here) we suddenly started losing lambs to coccidiosis. So crisis management. On top of which we went all through winter with both solar and gas geysers not functioning and my husband is mostly away with his security responsiblities - which makes me a full time farmer (enough said for the moment). On top of that the wrecked car is still under insurance valuation - welcome to Africa. So hey, limping is not so big an issue

Oh man, (when I say man I mean girl), you've had a tough run, so many issues and some you can't really positively affect, the car for instance. You're capable, I know, and you know what you're doing but having all that stuff going on while you recover throws up some challenges huh? I didn't know your husband travelled away, another complication I guess, but it sounds like, despite everything, your making it all work.

I hope you're finding the right amount of time for yourself too.

Greetings galenkp I feel very identified with your post I have made many mistakes either by my ignorance or by being so absent-minded sometimes I get to do several things at home and I forget, but all those mistakes have helped me learn a little of the platform and if it is as you say for trying to do things quickly go wrong.

There's a difference between making a mistake, owning it, finding a way to rectify or learn from it and moving on...and making a mistake and letting it sit there through ignorance or through being too prideful to make the changes to fix it. In all the mistakes you have made, that I have seen, you have been quick to acknowledge and rectify them as well as apologize. It speaks highly of your character, so keep it up. ✅

Thank you very much for your words, they motivate me even though I have many things to learn, I wish you the best and may God continue to bless you.

You're very welcome,. Keep doing what you do and being who you are; you're doing well. 😊

Hello, how are you, long time no see 😁

Yes, that's exactly what you should do. Do not put tags until the moment of publishing. Oh, Galenkp, I do edit my posts for typos. Because I have an OCD and yet they are never perfect.
What hits me the most is the translation, I always make mistakes like "he" when it's "she", that translator is a misogynist.

Editing is fine, there's a great use-case for it and especially the he/she thing, a problem caused by translators...It's a little odd to read it in translated posts but I believe most English speakers who read are accepting of it and don't judge harshly, certainly I don't anyway.

translator is a misogynist.

Haha, indeed!

Seriously though, it doesn't reflect poorly on the author.

Thank you for your quick response and excuse me for being absent, I am already returning to leave disturbing (maybe this is not the appropriate word 😁) comments.

No worries, I can't always respond quickly, but there's times I'm sitting right here and am able to do so. I can see you're back, but disturbing comments? Nah, not disturbing...or have you got something coming in that I don't know about yet? 😆

You always get a laugh out of me. Well, what I have in my hands I can't tell you now. 😂🤣

I like to make people laugh, it makes me feel good and sometimes I smile because of it; I don't smile enough mostly, so it's a good thing.

At the very least if you are going to go in and edit it at least decline rewards or say that you are going to burn them once they are awarded (and then follow through of course). I've never had to delete a post. I have edited posts in the past before. Usually because I forget to add my signature line. I like using my own photos. I try to do that more now than I used to. There have been times I had to go to Pixabay, but it's been a while since I have done that. Usually I can find something around work or home that fits in pretty well with the theme of my post.

Declining the rewards is the minimum I’d say, but it generally doesn’t happen. Many probably don’t know how to do it, or even that it can be done.

I used pixabay myself in the past, and I think rare use of it is ok, but I am very reluctant to do it now. I have a post on Thursday for which I needed a beautiful woman image, but I don’t want to use pixabay, no worries, I contacted one of my good friends on Hive who sent me an image to use, one of herself, that she took herself, and that’s what I’m using - with credit clearly written of course. I’d rather do that than go to pixabay.

I know for a while they were starting a repository of free use photos here on Hive. I am not sure what ever happened with that though. My dad used to go to model shoots when he was younger. I think he ended up stopping because my mom didn't like it too much :). I've thought about getting some of his photos to use on various posts. He has a pretty extensive catalog of all kinds of photos.

I heard about that photo repository, not sure it went anywhere. I went straight to the source on WhatsApp though.

Those photos you have might make for a good post or two.

Yeah, I will have to talk to him about it again sometime.

I had one #weekend-experience that I mistakenly posted in the wrong community, got over it and moved on since I can do anything about it regardless how good I think the topic and the context of my post. It's just beyond my control. 😛

Lesson learned from it:

  • stop cramming, because haste makes waste.
  • quadruple checking which community it on, before hitting the post button


Oh yeah, doing a check and recheck process can save that sort of thing from happening. I suggest people do the same check process in the same order every time, whatever that is for them. Title, spelling and punctuation, formatting, images sourced, community, tags, then publish. Or whatever process works. Doing it in the same order all the time makes it more second should never be rushed...of course, we all make mistakes right?

Yes, and it's an honest mistake that I would always say "charged to experience".

It happens and you handled it well. What I don’t like is when people get all uppity and defensive, try to make out that their error was my fault and that I shouldn’t have rules in my concepts or communities…that’s when I start to get annoyed and that never goes well for them.

I agree, sadly there are those people who can't accept the blame for themselves and pretty much lack accountability and responsibility. :/

Indeed...the world is full of them. The feeling of entitlement, the way people hold to it, is a plague on society.

wah wah wah... ha ha

I guess most I have seen that deleted a post said they somehow duplicate posted in error and only "deleted" one instead of leaving two active. I guess I don't pay much attention to it and I never stopped to think on it long enough to bother me.

I edit mine all the time, not usually changing major content. but for my typos. I read and re-read before posting, but somehow I seem to always miss some of my typos or once in a while, after I post, I rearrange a sentence that has some bad grammar that I don't think sounds right.

That photo is SO beautiful ! Love it !

I took this photo on Sunday when I drove out into the countryside to visit a private open garden. I’ll have a post with some other images Thursday maybe. I love this photo a lot also, just feels nice.

I've written almost 500 posts on my blog so far, and fortunately, not one of them are tagged as Deleted or Error. I really like to keep my feed clean. I always take my time with these posts, but sometimes it takes 2 hours, sometimes maybe 2 days. And when my mind is empty I'd rather not post at all.

Yes, not every post is of top notch quality, but what can I say? I'm no blogger and article writer, and I'm still fairly in this "blogging" realm under the WEB3 branch. I just post what I know, and that's me and my lifestyle.

One thing I always do is edit, all my posts have been edited on the day that I posted, or later on when I was skimming through my own post. Sometimes I add a few lines here and there, change the wording maybe, and sometimes it's the format. And I do it until it reads and looks "perfect".

So many people smash out their posts and end up publishing shoddy work simply because they were in too much of a hurry. I think and type fast so it doesn't take long to write posts, but proofing them takes time and sometimes I'll do so a couple times. On big posts, fiction writing, sometimes I let them cool for 24 hours before coming back and editing/proofing again.

I like to get them right first time but I don't always do that, we're all human.

I guess people should slow down a little, take more time to craft their post rather than smash it the fuck out as quickly as possible. It's a good idea to try and work ahead too, have a few posts sitting in drafts. It takes the pressure off.

On big posts, fiction writing, sometimes I let them cool for 24 hours

Man, fiction is a tough one for me. When I got it I just got it, I turn into a pro, but most of the time I just can't haha.

but I don't always do that, we're all human.

Yes sirr! There are very few posts that I got right the first time; yet, I will still go to the edit tab and hover around.

It's a good idea to try and work ahead too, have a few posts sitting in drafts.

This always brings out proper quality. But for me, nowadays even if I don't have my posts in the draft section, I still have something set up on my mind 2 to 3 days prior. That helps too.

There's many different ways to do things and sometimes what works for one will not work for others; it's important to know what will work for the individual and to do that, play to one's strengths.

it's important to know what will work for the individual and to do that, play to one's strengths.

That's the key, not just for writing and blogging, I believe it's the key to anything and everything in life.

Agreed, and it doesn't hurt to build on those strengths too, gain new ones, and develop the existing ones.

That's surely the way!


I've edited posts before, but only to add something I forgot about or if I noticed that I had spelled something wrong. I have never deleted a post after writing though and certainly not in an attempt to gain more rewards, I don't agree with that.
Sometimes my posts can take me hours, cos I get distracted by my girls or life and I do as you do, save it as a draft and finish it later.
I do take pride in my blog, it represents me afterall. It's something my girls get to look back on as well.
If I made a huge fuck up, then I'd start again. I'm not really about cutting corners that's not my style. Before I started using Peakd, I lost so many posts, before I got to post them, all my own fault, cos I got distracted or one of my girls jumped on my laptop lost my work. Yes it was a pain to begin again, but I actually think the second attempt came out better.
Hope you're having a good week xxxxx

Your posts present like you've thought it out and taken time with them, as everyone should.

Editing posts is a good thing as it allows people to sharpen them up a little, typos, spelling and punctuation errors, it happens. Cutting and pasting them a second time for double rewards is not legit though, even if the previous post has been deleted. I return rewards back to the pool when I see it as it takes potential rewards away from people who are doing the right thing.

Anyway, thanks for commenting. A challenging week here, not good from the outset, but that's life, and I'll live with it and do what I can to turn things to my advantage. I hope you're well.

I know you've a lot going on and also that you like to keep it private.
I respect that.
If anyone can make the best of a situation I believe you can.
Wishing you all the best xxxxThanks @galenkp, I'm doing good, had some time for myself which was needed.

You time, it’s so important.

Thanks for your understanding; life sometimes kicks us in the stomach. I have a good life most would probably like to have, but it’s not always easy, rarely is, and it’s when times are hard I operate at my best. I’ll push through and get it done, I’ve no choice really.

Thanks for your kind words.

The only time I wrote an error on a post was when the post was published twice and I didn't just write an error but stated why the post has to be in that form.

We all indeed make mistakes and that is why I am always careful not to because I know that anyone can visit my post and that won't give a good look at the content deleted.

After reading this post, I got to learn more and I am glad I read this. Thank you.

Best to write a whole post, not just a few words, as I've said in this post, but we're all free to do whatever we like so if it works for you that's the way to go. I would hate to see a post with just a word or two on my post feed; I'd never let it happen.

Well, that's why I am thankful I got to read this post so I'll know what to do if... I hope not😂😂😂. If it happens again.

It doesn't look good for sure. I think I have only once or twice an error post where something double posted.

Perhaps a good idea in that case is to initially mark as error, but then come back with a short post showing some effort. Having a generic post saved is a pretty good idea too.

Is this one of those posts? 🤔

replacement post as she'd posted in the wrong community or some such thing. Certainly not a good look for a user to have posts saying deleted on their feeds.@riverflows recently did this exact thing, came back quickly and smashed out a

I'm glad you like my generic emergency post idea. I actually have have two sitting there ready to go at all times.

The truth is that it does look ugly when I see on people's feeds that it says deleted.... or deleted or error.

At first I didn't understand that, what had happened.

I do all my writing in word, then I transfer it to PeakD, check the writing again, put the pictures and tags last.

It's a very good tip not to put the tags if I'm not going to publish at the moment, thank you! I realized that without them I can't publish, it's very useful.

Yes, I have edited, because I realized the error of a word or because I want the picture to be shown is another one.

It is better to recognise the mistake responsibly with an edit than to delete.

I ask you a question, something I have often seen, what happens if the error is in publishing in a community to which the publication was not addressed? Do you proceed in the same way?

I will take that idea, in case it happens to me, to have a publication in the draft. It is useful.

Thank you Galen!!

It seems like you’ve got a good handle on it and you do well so keep it up.

what happens if the error is in publishing in a community to which the publication was not addressed? Do you proceed in the same way?

This is a tough one and is one of the cases in which a person usually deletes the text and writes deleted. Mostly the community will mute the post, I do in my communities, and I think it’s best to apologise, accept the mute and leave the post. It cannot be removed from the community. It could be edited into a post that is more suited to that community of course.

That would be a good alternative to edit it according to the rules of the community in which it was published. It would take some time but it should be taken into account that it can happen by mistake and it is best to be responsible for our mistakes.

Thanks for the tip!

There's many things a person could write to address the situation effectively and none of those involve placing the single word, delete.

Totally agree and thanks for the tips.

I have made mistakes but not that kind of mistake that I missed any particular contest tag. Because whenever I write an article about contest I remain conscious but it doesn't mean that I didn't do mistakes. Even I did. As I am not trained. I will learn from all the users of this platform.
Secondly, Deleting the post is also bad. At least whatever we do we should take responsibility of it. We should own it. No matter it's bad or good but the point is to learn. If that is bad don't worry it's for learning. We should take lesson and implement on the lesson which we learn.

Learning from our mistakes is what makes the mistakes valuable, if we fail to learn from them it reflects on us poorly.

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We learn from mistakes.

Yes, like the mistake of making cursorary, non-value-added comments.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

It pays to proof read slowly and carefully as it helps people present their posts well. Whatever works for you is the way to go though.