Eat balls

in Galenkp's Stufflast year (edited)


He said it with such conviction, "eat balls man," and as he did I glanced down to his outstretched hand which held the very balls he'd suggested I eat. I looked up at his face, which now held the beginnings of a sly smirk, and back to his hand and the balls within it and he followed up with, "don't say I never fucken get you anything."

I graciously accepted the balls with a verbal thank you and warmly shook his hand as well; "Thanks for the balls brah," I said gratefully meaning it wholeheartedly; it was a thoughtful gesture.

I'm talking about balls of chocolate, Lindt 70% cacao chocolate to be precise, which the chap, a work colleague, had offered me that morning which I, and a couple others, consumed later in the day with coffee; tasty fucken balls too!

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I love chocolate but rarely have it for health reasons; when I do though I always eat Lindt chocolate, usually the very bitter and low-in-sugar 95% cacao version which I love with a cup of coffee from time to time. If you've ever tried it you'll know it's completely different to most chocolate which is heavily loaded with sugar and has a much lower percentage of cacao in it; a lot of people cannot eat it due to the bitterness but I have little choice in the matter so I've come to enjoy it in small serves, information that made its way around the office somehow hence the thoughtful gift from the chap I mention above.

The gift was because of an event I try to keep quite private for various reasons but which leaked out due to some assholes individuals with big mouths but the collateral damage was minimal so no real harm was done. A few of us had a coffee later and shared the chocolate which was a nice break from what was going on that day - there's always something of a serious and immediate nature happening so a break is welcome. We all agreed it was a nice gift and I was most pleased to share it with others, the conversation was nice, a change from all the pressing work matters, and we had a chance to be a little human for a time.

What's your favourite type or brand of chocolate? Are you into something in particular like me, the more pure and high-cacao content chocolate that doesn't contain much sugar or do you prefer the more mainstream chocolate? Is it Swiss or Belgian chocolate that dings your bell, do you make your own, or prefer a familiar brand-name chocolate? Do you even like chocolate, I actually know some who do not, my dad was one of those. Do you eat chocolate regularly or is it a treat thing like it is for me? Whatever chocolate related comment you want to make is welcome, and if you want to comment on how much you love to eat balls you can do that too I guess.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own.


So, here I am. I wanted to comment here since Monday 🤣 life happened.

I have read this post of yours on Sunday and this is me, on Monday! 🤣🤣😳😳


You're the one to blame for making two stops on two different supermarkets, only for these. LoL!! 🤔

Not to mention how many I had while being in the car. Alone. And driving for almost one hour... Nope, I wont tell! 🤐🤐 GUILTY! answer your question. I do like chocolate and I love Lindt. But I dont have a favorite brand....and I dont eat chocolate too often.
The 70% dark is the best on Lindt balls! But I also love the Hazelnut ones. 🌰

Ohhh and yes, I can have 95% dark without making faces, if you know what I mean. We buy it sometimes and I enjoy that too, but I would prefer 80%.

In the end, thank u maybe. Because of you, I enjoyed the Lindt Mix, even though I bought them myself. 🤣🤣🤣

I'm glad I inspired you to eat some Lindt, my only issue is I wasn't there to share them...but maybe I'll call in at the supermarket tonight. 🤪

If asked which is my favourite I'd say the 70% but rarely do I have it preferring the less sugar content of the 95% and I also don't make faces...although my face is a face so maybe I do make faces...but it just looks like my usual face. 😵‍💫

Lastly, I'd eat secret-car-Lindt with you any telling the kids!

The one with your face being a face is fun enough 🤣. I'm only saying because I actually saw people making faces trying this bitter-astrigent-sweet taste of 90+ dark chocolate. They just can't do it.

Not to mention last time in Wien I entered one of Lindt's a printscreen of the video I made. A virtual Lindt for you, on the occasion. 😉


Now you're just teasing me. 🫣

Not al all :)). Sharing the whole video with all those Lindt chocolates and goodies, that would have been too much. 😂

True...but you've made me want Lindt and it's bed time! Lucky I have some 95% in the pantry...breakfast tomorrow probably. 🤪

Well, leave that for tmr morning haha. Have a good rest!😌

It’s funny the best chocolate I’ve ever had was when I was traveling to Europe and I had a layover in Germany. Went to the airport store and grabbed me some chocolate that was Swiss - fucking best shit I’ve ever had! I do prefer the dark chocolate because the sugar laden stuff is okay but you’re not really eating chocolate you’re eating chocolate flavored sugar which is annoying.

I’ve had the 95% cacao before and it is indeed challenging to work through but when that’s your option, that’s it.

I would say my favorite version of chocolate though - a hearty American chocolate frosted donut. Fuck those are amazing from small donut shops lol. We have a few near us that make ones you go into a coma after eating!

Swiss chocolate is considered the best, but the Belgians do a decent job at it too.

Don't get me started on fucken donuts man, I fucking love them and chocolate is my favourite. Sadly, eating donuts isn't much of a thing for me anymore...but I sneak a bite now and then. Lol.

I've got a bad habit of hitting the donut shop every time I work my side job. I should have more self control but it’s a little treat for having to work extra lol

One cannot control the lure of the donut no matter how hard one tries.

Yep, You and my other bro @cmplxty nailed it. Chocolate Frosted 🍩 sprinkles not needed.

I am a Hershey Man. I avoid it (chocolate 🍫) also. For reasons other than yours.

i.e... Fat Bastard

Uncle Ballz.!!

We have an outdoor Feral we take care of that stays here at The Pookyville Cat Ranch. We named him "Uncle Ballz." He had a couple HUGE ones till we trapped and neutered him. Grumpy but lovable old fella that Ballz is...

Lol...Uncle ballz is Uncle no ballz now huh?

I love chocolate! At one time I had an incredible craving for it when I realised that my body was asking for it because of my magnesium deficiency. So for the last 8 years I have been taking magnesium and those desperate cravings are gone. Now I only eat it once in a while and I try to eat good chocolate, although I like it with milk. Bitter is mate. hahaha

I'll make a note of that day, congratulations Galen!!!! I know what it's all about😉

Chocolate is widely known to cure all illnesses and medical conditions; it's the miracle cure.

But to get the amount of magnesium we need per day, 400 mg, you need 100 gr of dark chocolate per day. .... would be very fattening.

I am really happy with magnesium now!!! Mate has magnesium hahaha

Also, can you stop it with all that note the day commenting? I find it quite odd and it is pointless.


No problem, best regards.

I don't have a favourite brand of chocolate actually. Any dark chocolate works with me, I do enjoy the slightly bitter taste!

All chocolate tends to be ok, no matter the brand although some are better then the rest.

I like chocolates. But after I got diagnosed as a pre-diabetic I have avoided eating chocolates. I had to choose between eating less rice/carbs, and chocolates. Being a rice lover, chocolates had to go. As for what kind I liked, I want the sweet, milk chocolate ones. Nestle Crunch was one of my favorite, because of the taste and texture. I don't like those fancy ones with complex tastes, and I definitely avoid those with nuts.

You chose rice over chocolate; fair call I guess, although both are equally bad for someone who is diabetic or heading that way.

Hi Galen, I'm not going to be very obletive on the subject of chocolate. I was born in Switzerland, I definitely prefer Swiss chocolate. I usually buy Lindt 70% cocoa. And this past December I had the opportunity, as a tourist, to visit the Lindt factory in Switzerland, and to enjoy the visit like a child. Greetings

I'd like to see the Lindt factory in person. I toured the Cadbury's factory in Hobart, Tasmania a while ago, it's now closed, and enjoyed the experience and the samples. 😁

I remember once eating the dark chocolate, it was good but had a bitter taste and I am used to sweet chocolates so this might be the reason that I can't give it a 10/10.

But if you gimme KitKat or dairy milk it is always welcome. Haha

Yeah, there's some pretty legit chocolate out there, but the more pure varieties are an acquired taste.

No secret event for you XD Glad you got some balls out of it if nothing else :D

Yeh cacao is a serious case of bitter and a lot of people love sweet (apparently even the ones that claim they like bitter? o_O) hence the sugar overload.

My favourite chocolate is Whittakers Hazelnut (I like the plain milk chocolate too, and probably a couple of other of the flavours I've tried) but J gets me the poor substitute of Cadbury's because it's cheaper and usually in stock at Spud Shed I guess. It's passable and there are times in the day/week where I medically require chocolate XD

Lol, dem balls were tasty, but then again, anything chocolate usually is.

Whittakers do a decent chocolate, I like the creamy milk and the coconut ones the best...alas, it's been a long time since I've had any. (Now I want some and I totally blame you!)


Aaaahhh I'm sorry XD

not even a little bit XD

Those ones are pretty good.

You're evil you know.

Maybe just a tiny bit :D

I don't think I could do 95 percent, but I do like the darker stuff. Which is funny because when I was a kid I couldn't stand it. Chocolate is kind of a comfort thing for me. When I am stressed I reach for it. I like Lindy, I also like Giradelli or however you spell it. Hershey's is good for cheap stuff and Dove is nice if you want to spend a little more. There is some stuff from Aldi's that is pretty good too. I'm not real picky unless it is crap chocolate. That stuff isn't worth the calories.

I remember when Dove chocolate first came here, it was pretty damned good! These days for me it's the 95% cacao stuff though, and very occasionally milk chocolate but with the latter I always make sure it's worth doing by way of a very expensive Swiss or Belgian version.

I can understand that! I have had those 70% ones that you showed in the picture and those are probably about my limit I think.

Well, this must have been for the birthday you keep secret. It seems to have passed... 😅 So, belated happy birthday, G.

I think I like that chocolate you eat, it must be very good. And although I haven't tried it I know I like it because I love chocolate, and Nutella.

It's a legit chocolate, but not everyone likes it as it can be quite bitter; it's awesome with a cup of coffee though!

🤗 I am sure I will like it. Balls that I would enjoy eating, for sure. 😂

Some like eating different balls, but chocolate ones are the way to go.

I like chocolate, but what you tried with 70 percent chocolate content or 90 percent chocolate content, I'm sure it doesn't suit my taste at all.

I'm used to eating sweet chocolate mixed with milk, I think it would be very tasty, especially mixed in drinks. Well, I really rarely consume it, again because of my health.

Chocolate is tasty, but for sure it's not an everyday food for health reasons. I like all chocolate but for health reasons I don't eat much at all and when I do it's a low in sugar variety.

Well I totally agree with you. Usually I only eat chocolate during certain celebrations!

Everyone loves chocolate. I also like chocolate but some people don't like chocolate and say it is harmful but I heard that it helps in maintaining our blood circulation. There are many brands of chocolate in our country like mars, KitKat, snicker, galaxy, ferrero rocher, dairy milk, twix etc. I eat all of them. I don't like Snickers because they taste like peanuts.

I like KitKat, had a few of those in my time...more than a few. Loads of sugar though, so the 95% cacao variety is my go-to these days. Tasty with a cup of coffee.

I only like chocolate not coffee and chocolate tastes sweet but coffee is bitter

Dark chocolate is absolutely the best. I used to work at IKEA and that Swedish dark chocolate was to die for. Other stuff's too sickly sweet for my palate. Dark's almost savoury.

You worked at IKEA? never knew that.

I agree with you on the dark chocolate thing, and with some flavours it can be totally awesome. Have you had it with chili? (Worth a try)

Anything with chilli is good. Anything with dark chocolate is good.
Those two together, mindblowing. Easter's coming up, now you mention it.

Haha, yep you said it!

As for's common knowledge that the true meaning of Easter is a fucken bunny rabbit handing out chocolate eggs and hot cross buns so who are we not to embrace it!

I love chocolates.... Em I mean I used to love them very much in those days but due to my age now, I have reduced them to once in awhile.
In my region, we mainly have them as beverages and this I take with my tea, but not as often as I would have loved to ☕☕☕

It makes sense to limit chocolate due to the sugar content but I think it's ok to have some as a treat. Do you have a favourite?

Snickers, twix, Cadbury, especially Cadbury's 😋

Cadbury's is legit...but for too much sugar for me.

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chocolate is the best.

Sure is.

Chocolate is a feeling 😊

It's a good thing, no doubt about it. 😉