I've often thought about how simple and easy life used to be when I was a kid, teenager and young adult; not that I didn't have problems and complexities, I had many, just that when compared to later in life I look back on those early years and mourn the loss of that simplicity and ease of living. I used to think life was so difficult back then but knowing what I know now...well, it just wasn't. I think the same could be said by most people.
One of the things I loved back then was the outdoors, it was there I felt most comfortable; life for an adventurous kid in a small rural Australian town was pretty good and it was a good place to find many of those adventures in the wide open spaces around where I lived. Those early years gave me a love for adventure, of the outdoors, of challenging myself and finding the skills and self-reliance one needs in environments like that...and those things stuck with me even when life became so much more complicated.

I don't get out and about as much as I used to in years past (I'm a busy man with a complex life) although I reckon I get out into nature, I mean away into the wilderness and away from cities, more than the average person...yet it never seems enough. I've been thinking about that lately, yearning for the wilderness and travel, and each week that passes seems to exacerbate the feelings of wanting to get away. Sure, it happens differently than when I was a kid, that's for certain, but the feeling of it, the emotion of it, is the same and I long for it...not snippets, but long periods of it.
We spend so much of our lives working for paper tokens called money that's supposed to "provide for our lives" but in striving for it we are in fact exchanging our lives for it and I am becoming increasingly unhappy about swapping the most precious thing I have (my life) for it and that's why a few months ago I began to plan my escape. I'm not sure what my escape plan will fully look like yet however I have come to the realisation that I'm actually in a position to actively make it a reality, plan it with the understanding that making it happen (soon) is possible. So, that's what I've been doing lately, planning my escape, and it's been enlightening in many ways.
I'll not be divulging it all here, nobody's business after all, however I might release snippets now and then. Today though, I was thinking about it and came to a specific decision that will have huge (positive) implications on that planning process and the eventual escape itself and I felt inclined to say a word or two.

There's so much in the world to see, and as much as I've seen, (that's already a lot), there's always more...it's the experiences as well that I value; there's so much life to live but each day the physical life we have gets a day shorter so I guess decisions need to be made right? And then actions taken.
I can't imagine I'm the only one to think this way or the only one who is planning an escape from the slavery of modern life; are you, and if so where in the process are you currently at? What might it look like in an ideal world and in reality do you think it will work out for you as planned? Feel free to comment.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Image(s) in this post are my own
Good afternoon Galen, this post reminded me of a famous quote by Picasso: "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child".
On other occasions, if I remember correctly, you have used the metaphor of the blank canvas on which we go about painting as an equivalent to life. Among those fragments that you show us, we can perceive a great work of art. Congratulations.
some people claim that my art is childish/ that their 11(?) year old child is drawing better than me...
Perhaps I should take it as a compliment. 😛
You should definitely take it as a compliment. 😃
I think we should all look upon our lives as a blank canvas to be painted as we would like it to look; my dad taught me that and I've certainly tried to do it. Of course, there's road blocks and unexpected occurrences and situations so things don't always go to plan. I guess what this post says is that I'm more focused on the masterpiece that is my life (or should be my life) and am actively working towards creating it. I just spent a couple hours crunching numbers, working things through, projecting out twenty years, which is all critical information that will permit decisions in the here and now.
Life is far too short not to wrangle it (or paint it) our own way.
I can tell you that this is one of the publications that I have most enjoyed reading in Hive, for several reasons. One is personal, on the 25th of this month I dynamite my present life project “to 25 years” (I'm not crazy, there is only a change of project, the picture will look nice). We talked about it recently, sometimes to win you have to lose..., and we only live life once, as you rightly point out. I wish you the best...
Best regards.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Thanks mate, it's nice to hear my thoughts (words) have had an impact on someone.
Also, I'm with you on the lose to win thing, and when that works out it's not actually losing at all, it's gaining.
Undoubtedly, this publication has touched me, and I cannot say see you later without giving you all the good treatment received during all this time. thanks.
I think that my life also was easy when I was a child. I had a loving parents and grandparents and seemed that this life will never end. After that they started dying and now the only close family I have is my mother. I think that I am not so much afraid of dying myself as being alone in this world.
It's nice to hear your childhood was a good one and that you remember it fondly. As for the other, I'm not afraid if dying either, when it happens I'll just be gone and that is that, however being alone? Yep, I'm with you on that one for sure.
I think if the covid nonsense proved one thing it was that many of us, including myself, waste our lives doing makey-up jobs that make no difference to anyone. When the world stopped travelling my business was destroyed and I decided to retire. I'd recommend it to everyone. Get out as soon as you possibly can!
Indeed, it had that impact. Of. Kurze, people like you and I have put in a lifetime of effort to be in the position we are in so it's different for much younger people. In fact, possibly impossible for many of them down the track as they live their lives on credit without a thought towards what might happen in their futures. Oh well, their problem.
I've worked hard (and smart) to get to where I am and while I enjoyed a very nice life along the way I'll also be enjoying the fruits of that labour and it's been nice to get to planning it out on paper (
ExcelLibreOffice), enjoyable knowing what's to come.I guess I could occasionally be called an escapee. But it's not enough...
I am once again considering selling my house and everything related to it-to fund a pickup/trailer combination where I'd blissfully spend the rest of my days. Carry a motorcycle and an ebike along, install some solar panels and go. A friend has a set up that makes him completely off grid when he's away.
It really wouldn't cost me a great deal more than I spend being house bound. The very end game (and at my age I need to face the end game) is a concern, but...
There are literally thousands of places I want to see and know. Places that aren't where everybody else is...
So. I wish you well my friend. Gopher it.
We're thinking alike for sure. Life's too short not to have continual adventures.
I'm going to arrange a home base probably not where I live now, somewhere more basic that I can lock up and leave but return to when I need to, a month or two a year mayb; do the doctors appointments and all then fuck off again out in the road. I'm working through some costings at the moment so I can project what I'll be churning through financially and trying to determine what's the minimum requirement for that home base now and into the future. And, of course, planning ahead to when I'm a really old bastard and what I'll do then. I'm mean, I'm a relative baby now, only 137 years old, but I'll eventually be old and will need to plan around that.
It's exciting though, and now I've made up my mind the planning stage is a good place to be, emotionally I mean.
Your tagline says it all - 'Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised' - galenkp
It encapsulates this post in it's entirety.
To live your life - not a life
Freedom isn't free when you figure out how hard you have to work for it, and most of the value of your labor goes toward the enrichment of another person or entity.
I see a great many folks disenfranchised with the current world we live in, and in that grand reckoning comes the decision to live a more focused, intentional life. And because you go about it in a good way, with planning and number crunching, I have no doubt you will achieve your goals and be deeply and authentically happy. You've worked hard for it, now go get it lol
I've given a lot in my life, put myself out there for others, my life on hold and have bled financially for others so I think it's time I focus on me. That's not to say I've not had a good life because I have, but I'm not willing to exchange more of it to amass more money I don't really need; the life part of life is more important.
I'm currently plotting things out, working out where I want to be and when, what stage if life, and what each stage looks like from a happiness perspective and logistically; it's not easy but it's quite an enjoyable process and the more I look at it the better it will be. I'm planning to wander (Australia is a big country) around a lot for extended periods (months and months) and maybe longer than that. I've seen much of the country but there's always more to see and experience. I'll have a home base, but won't be there much. Seems like the ideal thing for a bloke like me.
It sounds truly exciting...Hopefully you'll be practicing some shit photography so we can live vicariously through you lol
I'm thinking you could travel around your country for a lifetime and not see it all. You'll be a treasure hunter, not in the traditional sense of monetary value, but in the quest for rich experiences and exquisite memories. Tales of a life well lived
It's a big country and with each season places become so different meaning I could go back over and over to the same places to experience them differently, the Victorian high country for instance, each season brings a vastly different experience from snow in winter, beautiful spring and autumn and baking hot summers.
There'll be heaps of shit photography when I'm out there, lods of good stuff Hive will never see as well because I'm planning to really delve into photography and finally learn what it's all about, just one of the things I want to do. And on the treasure hunting...I'm planning around doing some gold prospecting, looking at a Minelab detector currently. 🤐
I look forward to reading about it...and seeing those pictures as well! That detector will come in handy any place you go.
I'm hoping to find a gold nugget the same size as my brain! Oh hang on, I have a brain the size of a green pea so that won't work well financially.
Some peas are bigger than others lol
Love your set up. Looks off road-ish yet classy.
It's semi-off road meaning corrugation, the beach, gravel and so on. It's not designed for rock crawling, deeply rutted tracks, dropping into creeks and all but then, I don't want to take it to those places anyway - It'll to most places with tyres aired-down and driving to the conditions though. I'll not be doing the Old Telegraph Track or the Tanami or other such extreme locations with it.
I started running away a long time ago. First from school lessons. Then I left classes at the university. Then I didn't take a government job. Then I quit my outdoor trading (I sold goods on Saturdays at the market) and began to play on the stock exchange. I'm probably at the last stage, but sometimes I don't have enough money :)
Not having enough money could be an issue, hopefully you can manage to achieve your goals though.
Haha I'm on it too.. But not quite there yet. Still aggressively accumulating and investing my savings and very on track. Hehe!
It's good to hear yourt on track, don't leave it too late though, death often complicated matters and ruins one's plans.
Yup understand where you are coming from!
I want to escape too, but from the slavery of modern life. 😃😃😃 I live in a rural community, nature is all around me.
We can do a tourist exchange 😉
I wish you a great day @galenkp 👍
The slavery of modern life is exactly what I'm talking about escaping in this post and I'm well on track to do so. We have the same idea!
I had a sad and unhappy childhood, until I was well into my teens and as you always mention where I had the opportunity and there having made an internal process that freed me from attachments, I made hard decisions that made my life turn around radically. That new beginning was harder than I planned, but I still think it was the best thing to do and I act to make my goal happen every day.
I always liked your way of thinking about it, because it coincides with mine. Everyone is the architect of their own destiny, I paint it and no one else does it for me.
Yeah, but from here, this second in time, what the plan moving forward or don't you have one?
Of course I have a plan, and I'm working on it. I had some unfinished business, which is now sorted out.
Finality.... own house in a place far away from the city, nature and peace! Travelling everywhere!
Even aesthetically, everything is now more complex. The last post I made on #weekend-engagement I posted an old picture of me and I remember I only cared about keeping my eyebrows clean, flat ironing my hair and wearing lipstick. But now... what am I telling you for
As people get older things tend to become more complex and responsibility becomes more of an issue whereas as kids there's others to take that responsibility; the sad thing is many do not fully take responsibility for themselves as adults and mostly suffer for it.
That happens to all of us. I would also like to have those "problems" I had as a teenager, which seemed like the end of the world when something happened to you. Now the worries are of a much more complex nature.
Time changes everything I guess.
I am starting to get pretty close to retirement, so an escape plan is always kind of close to the front of my mind. I think the more I think about it though, the more reality sets in. It's probably not going to look anything like what I might have dreamed or imagined back when I was younger. The world is just a different place and funds aren't as plentiful as I imagined they would be!
I've worked hard to ensure I'll have enough funds and despite there being setbacks (some I've even mentioned in Hive over the years) that's not my main concern (although it's always a strong consideration of course). It's more about where I want to be and when (what stage of my life) as I don't want to become a burden on others by being in their proximity. It's difficult to look into the future so I'm planning it out carefully, trying to see it from all angles and working towards covering off on the unexpected that I know will always present itself.
That sounds like a smart plan. I understand what you are saying. My wife and I don't have kids and she is pretty adamant that she wants to go first. I need to have a plan in place so I am not a burden to others or her if her plan doesn't work out :) I'm working on having enough saved up, but it feels like a moving target at times.
!INDEED Galen!
I dream about escape from the money prison, that round and round movement of waking, working and sleeping and exchanging my time for money so I can do it again tomorrow.
There is also the pressure from society to "do the right things" in your life. So we are policed by family, friends and acquaintances to do certain things with the money we make.
I have children to raise and a long term plan to gain my freedom. I also have decided that my Warhammer hobby brings me joy and screw anyone who wants to throw shade at me because of how much money I could have put into something else. What is the point of making more money when I don't get to enjoy what I enjoy?
Each of us needs to follow the path that is most suited or desired no matter if others see it as valuable or valid; our paths are our own to find and follow right? I guess we all want to escape I'm our own way.
Also, please don't call up those ridiculous shit tokens on my posts if you can help it, I find them super annoying and intrusive.
Well if its escape from this prescribed system built around automating a work force then hell yeah, escape from it!
lol, noted. I did not know that you did not like the tip tokens. It's easy to not send them to you, no worries.
It's modern life I'm escaping from, the nutbaggery and fuckassery that is this modern life we lead. People just accept it, in fact they add to it, with their love of laziness, wanting AI to do everything for them and their lack of understanding that they're willingly becoming (have become) little fucken puppets having their strings pulled. Dumbasses.
Oh indeed! Man, I strive more and more to acquire the skills and knowledge that allows me to be able to do something myself!
We are moving into an Era of Tech-retards. The percentage of the population that actually understands how to manufacture and maintain the technology that everyone relies on is shrinking. This means that we are ACTUALLY not at the Tech level we think we are.
For example, when humans went from trees to fires and huts, the knowledge of making a fire and building a hut was commonplace. Tool usage in agriculture, basic construction and weapons? Quite commonplace.
Today we have masses of Tech-reliant populations who live on their phones and smart devices and when things break down they will become Tech-Barbarians.
So it interests me in knowing whether or not I can make something to replace something else, even if I am using scrap.
Tech retards, yep I get it and agree! People are generally clueless in respect to many aspects of self-reliance and I think that's a real problem; when the power goes out, I mean long term, food and water is scarce, war or civil unrest strike...well then, most will be fucked. Not me though bro, homie got skills
My garden is pretty much in ruins right now but man, I built a garden of raised beds 100% from upcycled materials, not store-bought. Then grew and tended plants till I could harvest edible things.
I have been going through the different plants, one after another like testing out different recipes. Learning how each one works.
I do the same for building and crafting.
So if the world ends then I set off to the mountains and I will take some hand tools, seeds and preserved foods and leave me there for a few years. I will grow food and build a cottage and from the ground up build all the furniture in a house and build working ovens/stoves.
Spend my days building and tending plants.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn... I would actually prefer THAT life instead of this, wake up, work, earn money, pay bills life we have now... damn...
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