Feeling secure?

in Galenkp's Stuff2 months ago


Imagine you and your family enjoying a Christmas market, shopping, eating Christmassy foods, enjoying music, glittering lights and fun...now imagine all that and then, out of nowhere, a car comes crashing through the crowd hitting people along the way. Also, imagine your young child killed by that vehicle. It'd be terrible wouldn't it? Now imagine that car being driven into the crowd intentionally.

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That's exactly what happened recently in Magdeburg, Germany when a Saudi Arabian piece of shit decided to drive his vehicle into the people enjoying a Christmas market...people like you and I, leaving many injured and some killed.

A random act...but nope, intentional; just as intentional as an event in December 2016 when an Islamic extremist drove a truck into the crowd in a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany killing 13 and injuring many dozens more.

There's many cases of this type, you can google it for yourself, but here's one more I'd like to add; Bastille Day 2016, Nice, France when Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, an Islamic jihadist drove his truck along the Promenade des Anglais (pictured above) and into crowds killing 86 people, the youngest of which was not yet three years old; a two kilometre killing spree. Yep, humans really are assholes.

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Today, I had a coffee catch-up with a person I used to work with a long while back and it was an awesome catch-up although tinged with a sad and negative undertone due to the conversation.

Since we worked together we've both moved on to new roles and she's currently working for a Government agency I can't say much about and deals with situations of national security and we were chatting about some of the situations that have occurred around the place including the recent situation in Magdeburg, Germany as above.

I'll not say much about the discussion other than to say we both agreed that most people are monumentally unaware of how close to disaster they are...and how most choose to be oblivious to it or take the opinion that it can't happen to them. It can though, clearly.

Sometimes things are so out of our control that there's nothing we could do to avert the incident; say, being on a train that's been derailed and crashes in a fiery wreck - it's out of our control to influence. But there's many things each and everyone of us can do to work towards mitigating the risk we are all in at any given point. Most of those things won't prevent an incident happening but minimising the risk or impact upon ourselves seems like a smart course of action.

One of the easiest and most achievable things we can do is to have an awareness of what's going on around us. It's called situational awareness. It's about understanding where emergency exits are, avenues of escape, reading the sounds that occur around us, the tone of the crowd, looking for obvious threats and risks and other such things; it's about being aware.

It's nice to listen to music with earpods stuck in our ears...but that means you don't have situational awareness. Walking with one's face stuck in the phone on Facebook is another such case. People become so oblivious to what's around them that before they know it they're hit by a truck and on the ground with crushed bones and brain fluid leaking out of their head. Not a nice way to end a trip to the Christmas markets huh?

I'm not saying that situational awareness will save the day every time, but it'll give a person a greater chance of reducing the risk that exists all around us and just maybe the person that's avoided injury could assist someone who has?

It's no different inside of one's home where issues occur all the time. Fires, electrocution, cuts and falling off ladders are obvious ones; knowing the right way to do things, having evacuation plans, first aid kits, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and such safety items could save a person's life...just the same way a plan to mitigate the chance of home invasions, (something that's becoming more popular as economic factors bite hard), or deal with them when they occur can as well.

There's so many situations in which humans could be harmed or killed but so many very simple ways a person can lessen the risk and yet so many people don't seem to bother.

It won't happen to me.

I think that's a popular thought, certainly popular with those who are incapable of, or unwilling to, take some affirmative action on their own accord to reduce everyday risks to themselves of families. The thing is though, it can and possibly will happen to you!

We each make a choice to act in our own benefit and for our own safety or not. Many prefer to let someone else worry about it but that's stupidity and laziness in my opinion, then there's others who take affirmative action, understand the risks and ways to mitigate or minimise them and those who understand how simple it is to do just that. It just takes a little responsibility.

I'm pretty sure those people in the incidents I mention above didn't think their lives would be in danger when they left their homes but it turns out that their lives were at great risk; lives were taken and others irrevocably changed. Parents lost children and children lost parents and siblings; not a nice thing. I'm not suggesting that any of them could have changed those situations but I'm pretty sure a little awareness could very well have saved some of those lives and casualties and made a difference.

Are you feeling secure? How's your situational awareness?

Are you actively in tune with your surroundings, do you think about risk mitigation when in public or within your home? I think those who hold those beliefs are less likely to ever be called victims and those who are not...well, more likely to be probable victims. Are you happy to be oblivious to the risks around you and willing to accept the consequences or do you think there's someone out there who will save the day? The Government or police? (That's laughable).

Feel free to comment if you'd like.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Nutters are going to get swarms of drones; then we're in trouble.

Oh yeah, like in that movie, Angel has fallen.

That's such a tragedy. I heard about it and became both saddened and infuriated at the same time. I find it hard to believe that normal people would do such a thing, but then I remember that these aren't normal people.

Staying out of crowds is my usual course of action. I like to be able to run if I need to. You just can't be too situationally aware in these messed up times

It's rather tragic that it's happened to innocent people and also that a human would want to do such a thing...but humans are fucked so I'm not surprised. I've seen a lot over my tears and and am never surprised about what a human can do to another...and there's people here whining about a downvote as if it really matters. #fucktards

I'm highly focused on situational awareness and some say too much so...but those that say that are what I'll refer to as possible victims. Head on a swivel is better than head crushed beneath car tyre. (Tire, is what tyre translates to for you Americans. Lol)

Ooo, I'm glad you translated lol. Is there such a thing as being too focused on situaltional awareness? I don't think so in this day and age. Some can't be bothered with that...it gets in the way of their good time. Others say there's safety in numbers, but numbers are what these people are aiming for. I'm not saying one should just stay home and not enjoy public functions, but your penchant for situational awareness is something people would be wise to follow. Not everyone is as well versed as you but dammit, take a little responsibility for your own safety

Safety in numbers...only if those numbers know what to do and have situational awareness, otherwise those numbers may go on an after action report.

It's not difficult to find a little information about what to do and when and it costs nothing, some time really. Little things are what matters, and taking action; inactivity is one of the reasons people run into trouble, and I'm not talking about running into gunfire action; evasive action or simple reacting to sounds, the ebb and flow of the surroundings and so on...Most people stand around like stunned mullets and then...victims.

I'm glad I translated tyre for you, I'd not want to leave you guessing.

Sadly things like this are pretty much an every day occurrence here in the US for whatever reason people prescribe to. It's definitely a different world and my wife and I look at things and situations very differently than we used to back in the day. We've always enjoyed going to concerts, but even those offer a bit of anxiety these days as you are checking your exits and trying to anticipate anything that might happen.

I hate that we (society) live in a world such as this but it hardly surprises me when I hear things like this. It'll happen again, there, here, somewhere else...it'll not be the last time.

I'm pretty aware when I'm out and about and capable (and willing) to act against those doing this sort of thing; I'm not the run away sort of dude and am pretty comfortable with sending someone to hell. Cops hate that sort of talk, *leave it to the professionals and all, but they're mostly inept and too afraid to act (here at least) for various reasons so it's left to those who want to stand up to the fuckassery.

I like that you're aware, knowing the escape routes, where cover and concealment is, is shit that could save lives.

Yeah it's pretty sad. I honestly don't know how I would handle myself if I were ever in a situation like that. With zero training I would still like to think my instinct would be to help others as much as I could.

Instinct counts for much and has helped the human race survive. Some run away from danger and some run into it, we need both types of people.

So many senseless things like this seem to be happening all over. If you are the kind of person that cannot imagine doing such a thing, it is so hard to wrap your head around how someone could choose and carry out these actions deliberately.

I try to be aware and as I age, even more so. I know that doesn't mean I will absolutely avoid being a victim of something, but I do try to make choices of where I go and what I participate in, based on what I think the gamble will be for me as I am now.

It is a shame though, that it has to be this way.

Harming people like this takes a special breed of human and yep, there's plenty of them out there all willing to harm others because of their religious beliefs and other reasons also.

You're on the right track, being aware, and minimising your risk seems to me like a much better state to be in than to be careless and oblivious. People are so reliant on others these days that they forget they have the means to mitigate risk for themselves.

What great content, it is incredible how we can go through such unexpected situations, situational awareness is not a state of paranoia, the truth is that I rarely feel safe because I am aware that I cannot control certain external factors, both in my work life As a civilian, I am aware that the state of the perception of security can vary depending on many factors, both the environment and the geographical situation. It is important to know each place we go so we will have a clear idea of what risks we face and how we can minimize them. but it is It is true that we are not prepared for any terrorist attack, it is something unpredictable, we know how audacious they are to camouflage themselves among people, and cause chaos with their extremist culture, losing their lives by the way, I do not discuss religions or beliefs but you have to have a degree of madness to perform such acts.

It's incredible how clueless most people are and how oblivious or uncaring they can be when it comes to their own (and family's) safety. Stuff like I mention in this post changes lives forever and while it may not be completely avoidable, one could minimise the risk.

As for those who use religion as a motivator for violence? Dumb fucks, the lot of them.

I agree with you and went a little deeper, the violence regardless of its source is not good, although this is a topic with a lot of fabric to cut because it is very extensive and debatable, I consider that violent people will always exist for many reasons, political, social, religious, everyone looks for a way to impose their dominance, the state has no choice but to create elements with more skills in violence to counteract this phenomenon, but we know that this does not solve it but rather generates more violence, this is a fight history of humanity for world control, We can observe it in different conflicts that we are experiencing in our times, but someone will come who can appease this very violent world that we live in today.

Yep, you say it well; humans are violent creatures and that's unlikely to change - greed plays a big part in that. I don't have any qualms in applying violence but one must know when not to and it's the latter where so many people fail.

Exactly, this is what i have been telling to my younger ones. It better to be alert and focus around us. That will definately help or may assist other as well. There are many little things around, but we tend to ignore as we being too busy with oneself. Having an attentive mind always helps....

So many people go through their lives without looking any farther than their devices which leads to them being generally unaware and that, as you say, can lead to trouble. It's good that you're instilling a regard for general awareness in your kids which will work to their benefit as they get older and roam more broadly.

(Cue Twighlight Zone Intro)

Imagine if you will a government so corrupt that it would pick and choose what violent events to mitigate and what ones to promote to advance their twisted views and ideologies for keeping power and control over peoples freedoms.


Pretty much sums up any of the governmental power trippers in any country to one degree or another.


I do not disagree with you...where did it all go wrong huh?

It is terrible what has happened. There are very bad people in the world. And as far as knowing the situation, really, you have to be cautious although I say that when something is for you, even if you remove yourself from danger, you are not saved. When it's not for you, even if you put yourself in the way, you'll come out unscathed.

Reading you, you reminded me of a movie that has a few parts (Final Destination). Have you seen it?

I stopped by to wish you Merry Christmas.

Yeah, I've seen the first movie, has Ali Larter in it (super cute). You're right, everyone dies eventually, but a young child getting squashed to death by a car driven by an Islamic extremist is unnecessary. Anyway, as I say in the post, not every situation is preventable but if people were to pay more attention to their surroundings they'd be safer. It seems that self reliance isn't in vogue right now though.

All the best for Christmas, I assume you'll be with your family, and I hope you have a nice day and year ahead.

I hate crowds. I try to stay away from that. But you're right that's terrible. I tell you, there's so much evil in the world.... :(


Thanks G. May your good wishes for me come back to you multiplied.

Evil everywhere on a large and small scale, all we can do is work around it and minimise its effect on us and those we value.

It's Christmas morning here, breakfast time. Going to be a hot day, 37°C. 😭

Have a nice Christmas.

🌞🔥🌟✨ 😁

Feeling secure?

Not really. I am not one of the people who say that war is inevitable. But the fact that war is nearby is still a bit scary. I don't feel secure financially either but at least that is something I can partly control by posting on Hive...

Yep it's all a bit worrying at the moment and will be for some time; I believe an escalation is on the horizon, humans seem intent upon destruction, and when it comes it'll be unlike anything we've seen before.

Things have been changing for a long time... I got used to paying attention to my surroundings all the time, especially the details. To be alert and these last few years here, with the large influx of Muslims, indiscriminate and invasive entry, even more so. No, it is not safe, it is a latent danger.

Immigration is out of control and there's little vetting in place. We have issues with such people as you mention and they bring their ways to our culture which doesn't often align with the law of the land. Shameful really, and yet the government persist.

They say the aim is to wipe out this race... to make them mix... but they don't see the danger, women are abused, children are stolen. The situation is serious and people don't see it. For example France is destroyed...

There's so many problems with so many different people...and yet so many days we're on the right track. I digress.

Let us stay on the right track and pay attention. It is good to be forewarned.


Nowadays people go out on the street with total concern and, as you rightly say, they have no perception of risk. And danger is at every step, that's why our senses must be prepared to make quick decisions. Today @galenkp I wish you a Merry Christmas 🎄 and for your family. A big hug 🤗🥰🎁.

Merry Christmas to you and your family also, may your situational awareness be at expert level in 2025.

Strong border controls and getting out of the HREC can fix this

Yep, border control is overly lax. Here, it seems anyone can get in no matter what they've done in the past and I think that's the case in many places. Of course, radicalisation can occur with those already in situ.

Hi Galen, I was unaware of the name "situational awareness" although I practice it daily. Being aware of our surroundings can prevent us from things like being robbed on the street or on public transportation. I have even warned a traveler on several occasions that his wallet was being stolen.

Then, there are situations that cannot be controlled, such as a, I don't know what to call it, running over a crowd of human beings with family and illusions.

Happy holidays, Galen.

You're right, some situations cannot be controlled and a person must make the decision to place themselves in those situations, but much benefit can come from being more aware of what's going on around them.

I grew up in a neighborhood where if you walked around with your head down or distracted, it was very likely that someone would mug you and rob you. Criminals also choose their victims, they have a profile. So from a very young age I practiced situational awareness. It's better, than later regretting it when bad things happen.

You're right in saying that criminals target specific types over others as do bullies and terrorists...it's strategic. Sometimes they fuck with the wrong person/people though and get a little more than they bargain for. Crime, and terrorism due to religious extremism, will increase, I am certain of it.

The last point you make is sad, as well as very true. I see it that way too.

I know this Christmas market very well. I was there a few times with my dad back in the early 90s, after the wall came down, and he went there for work.

I don't want to call this incident a tragedy, because you can't prevent tragedies. I'm not gonna say much more. I'm sad and angry, and I don't want to fedpost.

Yeah, I get what you mean...I'm angry too; the reasons behind these attacks makes me angry, the ideology. I think my post says all I need to and those who know me well know how I feel about those who do this sort of thing, and their misguided reasons.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/10) @danzocal tipped @galenkp

I agree with you.
If a person is not aware of his surroundings, he will hardly be saved by the army or the police.
But fate also often intervenes... I remember a few years ago, when a large icicle fell on a woman who was leaving the entrance of the building where she lived and killed her on the spot.
It fell in just half a second, in one step. But if the tenants had cleared the roof of icicles beforehand, there would have been nothing to fall.

My friend also died, at the pedestrian crossing, he was run over by a car that was turning, and my friend was imagining things and didn't look left or right.

This now at the Cristmas market, who could have expected that a car would run into him at high speed.
Only the most experienced and prepared would manage to avoid the car by throwing it to the side, but there were children, old people...

I remember 2017 and La Rambla in Barcelona, ​​when a terrorist who drove into a van killed 14 people...

But you know what scares me and worries me, this piece of shit in Germany was a doctor, who somewhere took the Hippocratic oath to heal and help people... He is not an extremist or at least he didn't say so.
It's like in that fable, when a man put a frozen snake under his jacket to warm snake, and when snake came back to life, it bit him.

A refugee, received help and a helping hand many years ago, academically educated and now did something like this.
It casts a shadow of doubt on all those honest and normal people who came to other countries in the same way.