Today was the second last working day of the year for me and it sucked because it wasn't the last working day of the year for me.
Well nah not really, that's not accurate.
Today was a pretty good day, (no suckage at all), of internal wrap-up meetings, some productive tidying up of stuff that needed tidying up (productively) and a couple client meetings which resulted in many hand shakes, back slaps and words of appreciation with phrases like, it was a tough year but you killed it and we're looking forward to working with you again. Of course, there were gifts from some of those clients, alcohol mainly...more stuff I can regift as I'm not much of a drinker.
So, it wasn't too bad at all.
I went home and after getting set up for tomorrow, the last working day of the year, ate a little dinner and then, because the heat was beginning to drop along with the sun, decided a coffee at the lake would be a nice little treat; a little "life action".
That's me behind the phone taking the image above. Don't ask me who those two in the background are, just two fucken strangers, but there's a welcome friend in that cup you see.. yep, coffee. It was a nice relaxing moment with birds calling and flitting around, sounds from the lake, people walking about, many hotties in active wear and little crop tops, and a little colour in the sky from the setting sun. Nice.
Overall, it was a nice end to the second last day of work for the year and got me nicely positioned for tomorrow, the last working day of the year.
What's up with you? Do you have time off over the Christmas/New Year period or are you working through? Are you rushing to get work wrapped up for the year or do you have it all covered through prior planning, good organisation and by applying effort like I have? Feel free to comment if you would like to.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Christmas, bah, humbug. Living out here, you'd never even know it was Christmas.
Lol...yeah, I'm not at all concerned with Christmas, just the time off I get; I don't need imaginary friends to guide my life but need time off work.
Yay for successful closures :D
I guess I'm technically working through but it depends entirely on what you class as "working". If the video editing (most of which I can't share sadly) and project work and general arting about counts then I'm working through except on days we're doing stuff with family and friends. If the hyperfocus is on anything that gets money then I'm done for the year ^_^
Lovely spot for a coffee! I can't have one that late I would never sleep again and I already don't sleep enough as is x_x
How did the last day of work go?
Haha, yeah I sometimes question my decisions around having late coffees but it's a ritual, something that ends the day and sometimes I can't resist.
Right now I'm at the same cafe immediately after my last day for the year. Tomorrow is a paid working day but it's the end of year function, all day, so it's all good. Technically that's the last day of work but considering none of us will be working I'm calling the last one today. As for how today went? Flat out busy, but it went well.
Yay :)
I haven't worked for a long time. But my children are in school. My wife also studies in her free time :). And I'm really looking forward to the New Year holidays! We will go to a small snowy city where we have a garden, and temporarily exchange the metropolis for a quiet place in nature.
That sounds awesome and a nice place to spend the holidays, I hope you enjoy your time!
I have to work on Monday and then I get Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, then I have to go back to work for the rest of the week. We have a big copier cut over happening, so I kind of have to be on site. The next week it is the same deal for me. I think I am taking the first Friday off of the new year though so I can go watch my niece play basketball down in Ohio.
A few days off is better than no days off, I hope you make the most of them and enjoy the trip to Ohio!
That is true! Thank you!
Winding down a busy year, cup of coffee looks good against the sunset. Warm greetings, enjoy your break in whatever you decide, wherever your feet take you have fun!
Hi Joan, I hope things are starting to get back to normal for you, a rather tough end of the year I guess. Hopefully you have a nice time over this festive season.
Not quite back to normal still a lot of clearing out to get done, will be at that for awhile. Taking it slowly thinking things through without making rash decisions hopefully....
Yeah festive season comes around quickly once again, relax and enjoy time out for a week or two then back to the grindstone.
Hmm for the longest time, I am not taking any leave during the year end period this year. It just happens that I have no vacations planned and I am fine to hold the fort for the team this year. Haha.
Yep, I've done that a few times myself and haven't minded in the past but I really need the break this year...been a long one.
Enjoy the break!
Hi Galen, sounds buy good that last working day of the year. As for me, you know that I am my boss, which means that I work all year round, but in a flexible way. A few days ago I already took my vacation days and now I have to continue working until the end of the year, except for holidays.
It's 4am and I woke up thinking about work (it happens) so figured I'd write some replies.
I'm looking forward to time off, it's been a fairly long time since I had a couple weeks off so really need it. Hopefully you enjoy the days you have off also,
I hope you can get some sleep or take advantage of the time. I have some time off now and at 19:00 I resume work. I also wish you enjoy your days off.
No sleep it seems...but loads of comment answering and I'll be up soon enough to go for a run anyway.
So, good morning!
This year I have to work first shift, I will receive Christmas at work since between the 15th and I leave on the 28th, the truth is that this is already customary these dates, I don't know since when they stopped having their special touch, I will receive the New Year at home and I will enter the I start work on January 13, well I will rest a little and return to this one that begins with more enthusiasm, it was a difficult year with successes and failures but we remain firm moving forward
Hopefully you enjoy the time you have and it recharges you for the new year! All the best.
I like to relax with a cup of coffee and chirping birds at every opportunity, be it the first or the last working day of the year🙂
I am not a person who attaches great importance to January 1st. It is a day like any other, because it is followed by the 2nd and the 3rd and...
And considering that I am all Orthodox Christian, and I live in Serbia, where church holidays are celebrated according to the Julian calendar (two weeks later than your, normal one, which the whole world celebrates), we still have 20 days until Christmas 🙂
The only advantage of vacation in this period is that everyone slows down a bit, so after returning from the celebration, I won't be hit by chaos, which would otherwise be when I come back from vacation.
You're like me, new years eve/day is meaningless, but I certainly focus on the year ahead, plan it out, set goals and all.
Hopefully you enjoy the festive season and the year ahead is excellent for you.
Thank you, same to you, good luck in the next year!
Judging by the events going on and towards the end of this one, the next one is not promising. But, we'll see. That we are alive and well, so whatever... We are all in the same pot 🙂
All we can do is the best we can do and deal with the rest of the nutbaggery going on around the place. Good luck.
New Year is near, how fast it comes! In my case, I have until the 24th to take a break for the New Year, although I have to keep my shifts.
These days, there isn't much work (we're short on medical supplies), so everything is on hold until 2025. Absurd measures; all I can do is wait for the new year
Things seem almost permanently on hold in your country, but you folks seem to make the best out of a bad situation which is a credit to you.
3 more work daze and maybe another short turnaround between the 26th and new years.?
Sitting outside in the cool night air right now with the DeWalt boom box playing quietly. This Song is Playing Right Now So cool that Halford is in his 70's and still Rockin'
Watching and waiting for a family of 4 🦝 🦝 🦝 🦝 raccoon to come Rollin' thru here. Those little bandits be stealing the ferals kibble. Too stinkin cute to kill em. Momma and three little ones.
I will be Rollin' outta here Saturday night, up to Raleigh NC. Via Columbus GA.
Then Rollin' back in to the homestead on Monday evening the 23rd.
Will be Rollin' out to deliver my backhaul from NC. The 26th.
No make believe friends here either. Just the voices in my head, and this darn cat...
Truckers just keep rollin' huh? If the wheels don't roll the money stops huh? I hope you have some time off also.
This will be my worst year financially in 32 of them for generating revenue with these wheels. But the bright side that is hard to see is we are learning to be more frugal and stop spending monies on silly shit.
Although I don't have a lot of free time, I usually plan my work so that I can take the time I want to spend with my family and enjoy some leisure time. It is always good to relax a bit from the year's work and enjoy the achievements.
More free time is much better than less free time. Just my opinion.
I know, I'm working on it. The time will come.
Hopefully you it comes long before you're too old or dead to enjoy it.
I hope so, I think it will come sooner.