Here's instalment nine of the #QCC concept where you win stuff for a simple comment - there's 100 Ecency points and some chunky comment-votes on offer. It's designed around a quick comment and could be a good opportunity to engage with others and open new relationships.
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒚
Post a single photo of something something interesting, unique, curious or strange in your street or local area and in no more than fifty (50) words tell us something about it. You only have thirty (30) hours to get your comment in - if you use the Peakd front end there is a countdown timer on this post.
▶️ The photo must be your own - No stock images!
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏
I'll transfer one hundred (100) Ecency points to some of the comments and vote with larger than usual comment-votes but your comment has to meet the criteria above. (I may ask a few of my buddies to throw some votes in too.)
Note: If your comment and image is interesting it is more likely to get my attention for votes and Ecency points. Be creative and put in a little effort you'll have more chance of getting rewarded.
It's not complicated:
One photo that matches the criteria above and no more than fifty words about it in a comment below - Be creative.
I will never ask anyone to reblog my posts but considering I'm giving away free stuff you may know someone who could use it, a new user perhaps. So if you feel like letting them know so they have a chance at free stuff for just for a comment please do so - It may also provide them some much-needed exposure.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
The image was taken by me - A bus driving past St Peters cathedral, Adelaide South Australia
I have a miniature long haired weiner (I hope all the menfolk cannot say the same lol.)

She loves her little pool and in wintertime still makes good use of it and will try to guilt-trip me into filling it.
Original pic of original weiner
Cute little dog, she should understand if you tell her it's cold and that she can catch a cold if she gets wet. 😁
Thank you! She doesn't want to hear the word no lol
🙉 lol
What a beauty, she looks super adorable!❤️
Thank you so much!
I know it's childish but oh how I laughed!!!
Shock and Awe..that's how I roll lol. Glad I could repay you for all the levity you bring into the Hive!
Lol, I'm still laughing!! 🤣🤣
lol feel free to use the line in a story
It is worthy of it!!
Thank you!
If any of the blokes admit to having a long haired weiner...well, let's just say we don't need photographic evidence right?
Absolutely not lol
Insert random Manscape advertisment, here
Lol...Thankfully no image.
No tutorials please lol
Imagine my surprise after writing about El-Jefe for so long when a restaurant of the same name popped into existence five minutes from my house!
Have you been to eat there, how was the dining experience?
We are going this week, it's meant to be good!
Have a great time! Jefe!
Split it with El Jefe.
Oh fuck! World takeover!
I really hope it's just a fluke. But it is quite suspicious...
If one is lucky, you can see otters in the parks along the rivers! So it was my lucky day! Got to keep some distance - because they bite and can be aggressive too!
Otters are very interesting. And there is something related to some stones that they keep that I think is a mystery in the scientific community. You could do some research and write about it. Just a thought. I have also read them cuddle with each other.
Ah I didn't know that! Thanks for sharing though!
Thank you! :)
No worries.
Otters are funny creatures, seen them at the zoo. I didn't know you had them there, naturally occuring.
Yeah they roam the rivers and occasionally come onto the land.
Cheeky buggers.
Tribal life is always filled with some old brutal way of lifestyle. They are rough and tough people. They kill for fun and they do anything in street. Butchering a goat is fun and drinking their blood is what they like. They collect them on a bowl and later use them for cooking. ...never seen them but they always get excited seeing the red. You need more strange thing?
The truth is, I think it is a spectacular image, I don't know if the scene is accompanied by any kind of music or rhythm. In any case, it is spectacular
No music...but they are master in butchering in such way...
The truth is that the image still surprises me when I see it again. Best regards
Well then, I've killed, field dressed and butchered animals but nope, never drank the blood. I guess it's a cultural thing though and I've seen people do far worse and consider it completely normal. I think it's good to know a little about how different cultures operate, don't you?
I was expecting this , I know you a little...😇 but this sort of things are new to me and was amazed to see people are feasting on them. They have been doing it since long time...but it was new experince for me. I got goosebumps mere seeing these picture.
I like my flesh cooked and I'm not into drinking blood...although there was that time I became a vampire for a while...🤔🤪
Wowww this is really awesome.... I thought to myself what is this!!!😱
Goat with it's head cut off.
I was really impressed!
Reminds me of my ex-wife's bahjeen 😀
Bahjeen ??? Didn't get it 🤔
Oh, crystals burst here in my heart 😞.
Hmm...many gets goosebumps
Since then, I have been very curious about this high cemented tower near our house. At first, I thought it was a tower intended for electricity and when I searched for it currently using Google Lens, I found out from related searches that it is some kind of water tower.
Thank you @galenkp ❤❤
I wonder how they collect the water, I can't imagine the top of it to have a large enough area to act as a catchment.
Me too @galenkp how it is possible🤔
Maybe they pump it up in order to have gravity fed water for different buildings?
That's possible @tamaralovelace because there are also lots of houses in the area😊
Sounds plausible to me, I know it's done that way in different places.
They do this in New York I think.
I think some of the off gridders do something similar, either pumping it up via generator or ram pump if the situation allows.
Water torture I bet. It doesn't look capable of holding much!
One must have a source of water for waterboarding...All good torturers know that.
A very good point!!
Singapore's skyline is a captivating tapestry of skyscrapers. With limited land, the nation ingeniously ascends into the clouds, crafting a vertical city to house its vibrant population.

I've been lucky enough to have seen the city skyline from various aspects up high and at's spectacular at night huh? That View from the top of the Marina Bay Sands. Amazing.
Oh yeah I am always in awe as well no matter how many times I have seen it! 😊
I've got some decent snaps from the Marina Bay Sands and the Singapore Flyer also. I've used them in posts.
Oh I have some as well, saving it for my future post when I have time 🥲
Every afternoon I go for a walk, and I always find this beautiful view, it is an open place, you let yourself go, and you just see that blue sky, with its shining sun, and the feel of the breeze, it feels good, and you relax, for me this is unique.😍
Walking around the place helps one take the time to see things one may not see if driving.
Wowww this is really awesome.... I thought to myself what is this!!!😍
Very beautiful place to walk around, I feel relaxed just looking at the picture.
I was surprised to see these birds in the square of a small urbanization, they are free, I asked a friend how come they are free and nobody steals them, he told me that all the neighbors protect them, they are known as "Guineo", while in other parts of the country they are called "Gallinetas".
They look like eagles to me.
They are not as large as an eagle, and they cannot fly, but at first glance without detail they can give that impression.
I was joking about the eagle thing.
You always need to see eagles, so much so that you even see them on a horse. No eagles in Australia?
Eagles are everywhere...And yeah, that included Australia.
That's very cool!
When you hear of newspaper reader's association, this is it. You get to see this wherever there's a newspaper stands They only gather to read then discuss the latest news but won't buy. Don't be surprised if you hear someone here claim to have dined with the US President before 😂
Thank you 🤗
It's all very well to discuss current affairs, even if you don't buy a newspaper, at least that's what I think. Regards
Yeah, it sure is, but some of them while away their time and also spread unverified news.
They don't buy because newspapers are expensive? What a hilarious thing! But hey, at least this encourages social interaction and not through electronic device screens.
Well some newspapers aren't that expensive at least an average man can afford it.
Yes it does, some of them can't really read to understand so they depend on the learned ones among them to share what they've read.
It's more than hilarious when you watch some of them argue blindly on issues they know nothing about 🤣
Visited Lotus temple this week after almost 10 years. This is not a traditional temple instead it's a place where every religion is welcome and we can sit peacefully and have some time with ourselves. The good thing about this place is there is no noise inside and every one keeps quite. In today's life there is lot of rush in life and it makes me feel good to have time inside the temple. I wanted to go this place before but couldn't go as my son was not even one year. Now he is 16 months and surprisingly he was also silent inside. This place is located in New Delhi India.
Have a nice weekend @galenkp
This looks a little like the Sydney Opera House, but smaller.
I just checked Sydney Opera House and it looks the same.
Yeah, it's pretty impressive in real life. I've seen a concert inside it as well, pretty cool place.
I was about to say the same!
The Opera House is a pretty impressive thing when seen in person, immense.
I bet. We stole the design slightly for one of the exhibition/concert halls in Glasgow!
Quite similar!
Outright theft!!
Wowww this is really awesome.... I thought to myself what is this!!!😍
thank you so much
The image is spectacular, thank you for sharing it.
thank you so much @enraizar
Thank you for giving us the photograph. A big greeting @reeta0119
The photo is beautiful and it is a nice way to be quiet and present. I used to do that a lot. I would sit in some church I found open just to be in silence.
Well said that sometimes it's good to be quiet and present and this is the perfect place for that.. sitting for some time in silence makes us feel good and relaxed
Oh comments and local images with stories are my jam!
I have a whole story teed up for this one but i love this shot for the excitement, the triumph and the human connection.
At a marketing company @town-crier, we partner with an events company and were charged not only with ticket promotion and sales for this wrestling event, we held a contest with a prize of Manager for a Day.
The winner happened to be a neurodivergent young fella who was OVERLY excited not only to be involved, but to put his stamp on the history books as a victorious manager. I wasnt quite sure how this would play out but let the dice fly.
They exploded out of the tunnel and poured energy all over that place which hadnt seen a professional wrestling event of that scale in decades. The match was exciting and gruelling while they had to park their manager near the back so he wouldn’t get hurt or interfere with the production.
When the 3-count happened in their favour, Donzo rocketed up the aisle and slid right into the match in unplanned, unrehearsed elation for his team.
This was the shot at the end that still makes me smile. Not only did it appear this was the best day of his life, it was also his 15 minutes of fame. The wrestlers celebrated with him and kept him safe when he daringly climbed the ropes to raise his arms. The whole community joined in his huge moment and cheered along with him like he had just won the world championship himself.
Donzo the Victor!
This is the experience i was hoping would happen for someone and proud to have played a part in making that happen.
Longest 50 word comment I've ever seen, but here's some Ecency points anyway. (The 50 word limit is so that I will have the time in my life to read each comment considering I know I'll get a lot of them).
Haha! I am here for the stories and not the finer details I guess!
I can see that. No worries, I write a lot too, it's just that I have a finite amount of time in my day for Hive and have to fit all my activities into it.
Go Donzo, the happiest man alive, for a moment at least! (A moment he'll remember for a long time I think.)
Yesterday something strange happened to me, I was taking pictures in a big park and a huge flock of pigeons came behind me, flew around me and landed in front of me. I stood still as they flew through the air beside me. It had a huge impact on me.
Thank you very much Galen!🤗
You're welcome.
Great shot indeed!
They came up behind me, all together and all I did was take pictures, lots of them! They were moving very fast!
They liked you. They wanted you to smile. 😅
It was amazing and I was right on time to take several pictures!
Hi Galen and friends, I have left a picture of the many sculptures that crown many of the buildings in the center of Madrid, and that to see them you have to look up to the sky. If any of your followers come to Madrid, they are already informed that they have to look up. It is Diana the goddess of hunting. Best regards
Goddess of hunting huh? My type of goddess. Thanks for being involved.
You are right, Goddess of hunting, as you will see in Madrid we also have you in mind. Best regards
I guess Diana must feel cold some days...poor thing. 😁 I know I can't miss this looking up when I go to Madrid.
If you are kind enough to let me know, you will be able to look up, where Diana is pointing, at the stars, and down, where you will be able to watch a delicious meal in Madrid, (invito yo). You can come accompanied by whoever you want. Best regards
😁 I am visualizing that moment.
So am I, and when I visualize something it comes true, now I am visualizing going to bed to sleep and it is happening, see you soon. 🤗
Rest well. 🤗
Well, the topic is relatable so I would share something curious and strange. There is a town near my university where there is an old house which people say is haunted.
I took a picture of it but never dared myself to get inside. Should i check it someday from inside or not?
Go in, what's the worst that could happen?
I am really afraid of these creatures. Never saw them in real life but still...
Every time I leave the apartment of my building, my eyes go across the street, where the "three towers of Rudo" rise on the hill, which form the so-called eastern gate of Belgrade.

hen the weather is bright and sunny, they look quite impressive 🙂
Thanks 🙂
You have a beautiful view there... 30 floors is a considerable height. Are you allowed to go up there to look?
Nothing sneaky here this is my saffron flower bloom recently. Actually saffron is world's most expensive spice those red threads in the center are dried and used as for flavor and medicinal purposes.
I've captured and edited it myself I hope you would like it
Oh thank you, I like saffron for meats, however I didn't know it came from there. What a pretty flower.
Yeah you know saffron is a natural thermometer when temperature is above 18 it blooms and below it remains close and this fall I bought plenty of bulbs they are very expensive one bulb cost me around half dollar but only a single plant bloom but I will save this bulbs for next year and I hope they will do well next time if you don't know what bulb is it is something like onions or other swollen roots .
Interesting. I hope it goes well ;)
50 words mate, not 176.
Sorry sir I edited it .
I was my miss understanding while I was reading the line :
no more than fifty words
I just missed word no that's why it happened.
No to follow the set instructions when getting involved with concepts on the blockchain.
Next time I will be careful...I will read all the instructions carefully.
Thank you very much 😊 Sir.
The goats are so cool and that one has beautiful blue eyes (or so I can see in your photo). I hope he is now fully recovered.
I'll see what I can get you, cowboy! 😍 I'm on my way...
Giddy up.
This is smoke, toxic smoke that we sometimes breathe here because of the proximity to one of the largest landfills in Havana. It's like a huge coal oven, but the difference is that this one never goes out and the garbage dumped there is already reaching a height of... I think... 2 kilometers.
A good picture, but not a good reason for it to look like this I guess...I'm sorry it's dealt with in this manner and the residents suffer the adverse effects.
I went there on my bike and plan to take more pictures of that place this coming week. But I must not go there alone. Lots of weird people in that place, taking stuff out of the dump and even living there in conditions you can't even imagine.
It's a big pollution hotspot. If you do a little research you'll see what these kind of 3rd world landfills release into the environment.
I will donate these to Saraleo for her Tuesday Yoga initiative. Thank you, G.
I've seen some documentaries on the people who live near and rely on those dumps/landfills. Rather tragic. It's best you don't go there along for sure.
I will take care of myself. You can't waste a piece of nani like that.
Yeek, that's awful! But a great shot!
Thanks... let's see if I get to go there. It will look even better there and it will be with my camera as I did this one with my cell phone.