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RE: On leave but working

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

On a vaguely leadership related note, are you familiar with Auftragstaktik?

I am, mission-type tactics. It's a really interesting leadership strategy although (I believe) it can fail if the unit does not contain the right people it would probably end in disaster in some case but with highly trained and motivated units it can bring great success. I'm sure there's many cases of it having failed but also many in which the faster decision-making process in the field has brought stunning results - it worked really well for the Germans.

The technique, in a business environment, can also work really well but due to the lack of military it's often critical for leaders to make the objectives very clear, and the parameters also...also critical for the unit/team to understand the repercussions of failure which makes it problematic because, in business, lives rarely rely on the objective being attained, just jobs.

I agree with the AI thing, I think it's going to be an interesting time, but I'll admit to not seeing a lot of positives coming from it generally.