I have some really nice hard cover editions: Caesar's Gaulic Campaign, Homer's Iliad and so on. I look out for them when I'm out and about and it's rare that I don't find myself in a book shop wherever I happen to travel, one of the best I've been in is Shakespeare and Co. in Paris. A glorious little place.
You should call this section: The shrine.(For the excellent books I mean).
Maybe it has some of the banned books that are never mentioned in Umberto Eco's novel In the Name of the Rose. 😅
No, seriously, it must be a luxury room that library of yours.
I don't doubt the quality of your library at all but the classics section must be on fire.
I have some really nice hard cover editions: Caesar's Gaulic Campaign, Homer's Iliad and so on. I look out for them when I'm out and about and it's rare that I don't find myself in a book shop wherever I happen to travel, one of the best I've been in is Shakespeare and Co. in Paris. A glorious little place.
You should call this section: The shrine.(For the excellent books I mean).
Maybe it has some of the banned books that are never mentioned in Umberto Eco's novel In the Name of the Rose. 😅
No, seriously, it must be a luxury room that library of yours.
Happy rest of the day my friend!