Yeah, you're not a car person, I get it. You're not a gun person either so my very next post will put you to sleep also.
There's a few people getting rich off the EV agenda and more will too...but in reality is it truly viable? Hmm, not so sure. It's like how that fucktard Greta Thunberg (I call her Thunderberg) got so rich of pretending to give a fuck about the environment. What an asshole she was, and is.
No, I don't think it's viable, not at all, but they make people believe it is and people believe it, that's the worst thing. Meanwhile others get rich.
No, I will not fall asleep, I will be attentive, translating!
We'll see...I bet you'll fall asleep reading it. 🤔
I'm sure that no.... if I fall asleep, you'll know because there will be no comment.🤣