Your grandma? Now I feel fucken old as fuck!
Cancelled That's shit. I reckon President Trump will bring it back, he knows what's up.
Your grandma? Now I feel fucken old as fuck!
Cancelled That's shit. I reckon President Trump will bring it back, he knows what's up.
Nah, he is too busy golfing and making out with Elon. 😀 Yes though, it became a victim of extreme wokeness over here. I personally feel a little wokeness isn't a bad thing, but everything gets a bit skewed when it is taken to extremes. Sorry man, my Grandma loved those Duke boys. We are definitely old!
Bloody hell, and I thought I was only a spring chicken! Damn it.
On the wokeness...I think there's room for some societal change and tolerance but it's all gone too far for me. An example is when that black lives matter thing happened and people who said, "no, all lives matter" were called racist. The same for the fact I'm supposed to have tolerance for people who want to identify as camels or whatever. Umm nope, zero fucken tolerance for that shit.
Skewed is a good word for it, bent out of shape, on the wrong path, sinking fast into a quagmire of get the idea.
As for your grannie, I'd watch The Dukes of Hazzard with her any day...although I'm probably going downstairs when I die, not upstairs where she's likely to be. 😊
Yes, she passed several years ago. I still miss her every day, but thinking about the things she loved makes me happy. I heard a quote a short time ago that stuck with me to the point that I wrote it down and keep it with me. It went: "All lives can't matter until black lives matter more". Of course I realize it is a very complex topic with many facets, but the history of oppression is well documented and I think people just want a voice. As for the "furries", I am totally with you.
A complex matter indeed...but the very concept of one groups' lives mattering more than another groups' lives is quite contradictory I think. As for the historical aspect...we can hold on to those old issues or move forward...I just don't think moving forward with the same ethos as displayed historically, albeit reversed, is the right way forward. But what do I know, I'm just a brown dude with his own opinion. (I prefer to say, delectably mocha-coloured though, not brown.)
Delectably mocha-coloured lives do everyone's.
I don't disagree with that. I honestly don't think the intent was for one color of lives to matter more than another, but when one has been beaten down, and exploited it needs to matter a little more to be back in par with all lives. Then again, what do I know, I'm about as white as they come!
Yeah, a lot of people have been beaten down and exploited and not just black ones so I feel the BLM phrase is quite offensive.
I understand.