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RE: Wars...still

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

In the old Star Wars movies I love looking at the sets and props and seeing every day items used to make them. It's funny and cool to see something; I'm like, there's a length of plastic agriculture pipe! You know? It sort of takes me back to when I'd use stuff as a kid to make a spaceship or fort or whatever.

The new movies are cool, I mean it's incredible what they do, but I lament the loss of (human) ingenuity in set design in deference to CGI.


Yeah I loved seeing the everyday stuff they put in the movies. So many of the droids and areas they are in have things we had in our house it was cool.

The CGI is ok for flying and stuff but I hate when they do it for the fight scenes. I think revenge of the sith it was the most egregious example of how ridiculous it was and not at all realistic. It was pretty bad lol

Oh yeah, the droids are a great example of them having used every day things to put them together - I think it'd be a great job, the design and creation of stuff like that.