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RE: Dependent

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

You ask some pertinent questions indeed, but I don't have the answer.

I think there's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on to hide the true agenda and the little people, that's you and I, will never know. Climate change is a business and the billionaires become trillionaires, that's my opinion anyway. If you have a look in the comments of this post you'll see other such remarks so I'll not repeat them again.


Climate change is a business and the billionaires become trillionaires

I am saddened by this phrase, but knowing that it could be true in a way or so, I cannot do anything about it. With only me not wanting it to be true, there's no way it could be changed.

Although the first step can start with you, several minds and voices can move mountains.

several minds and voices can move mountains.

Indeed.. but there's been people trying to do so for years and is the planet any healthier, the environment any better off? I think not. Go ask the animals that have become extinct, go stand in a forest that has been cut down for palm oil plantations, go swim in the ocean full of plastic floating a metre below the, humans are not doing enough, plain and simple.