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RE: The traveller

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

You didn't find any self-change gained through travelling? Interesting.

I found I changed a lot, same core values of course, but it opened and expanded my mind, the way I thought about things, perceptions, tolerances, what people meant to me and how I related to them and more and then...back home I was forever changed too. The good part is that all of the changes I look back on now and call growth and development and all has been positive.

I suppose that's one of the best things about travelling, that is, how much it opens me up, even now after a lifetime of travel.

Thanks for taking a read, I'm glad you liked it.


I suppose I didn't really mean I didn't learn anything different, just that I thought I would feel different being in a totally new place, far away from where I had always known, but that is not how it turned out.

I did find I felt much free'er somehow, being in a place where nobody knew me or had an expectations of how I would act or what I did. It felt good, but I'm not sure it was totally good.....LOL... because compared to how I was before I got there, I was a wild child when I wasn't at work.

It was fun, but it was instantly over once I came back. After that I named it my mid-life adventure and I'm glad I did it.

Ah yes, that makes more sense to me now. Sorry, I took it literally.

A wild child huh? I never would have thought, but I guess sometimes I see it it a little in your comments from time to time. Lol.

There's so much to be gained from travelling and not just the obvious sightseeing and all, it deepens a person I think, from many levels including emotional intelligence. It's been a large part of my life and I'd not change it...neither am I done yet, so much more to do, see and experience.

I thought about the "wild child" thing and maybe that is perspective too. Maybe it just felt wild to me because it was out of my normal comfort zone. I did some things I never thought I'd do. I did learn to never say never. LOL

Good point, never is a mighty long time so best to keep one's options open. 😊