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RE: Colour predjudiced

in Galenkp's Stuff8 months ago

@azircon answered your question 11 hours ago and yet you're here whining like a little girl still?

Rewards are not yours until payout and can be added to or taken away from until then. Don't be a baby, try and be a man and accept that things don't always go your way in life especially if you're vote farming like you have been for a long time.

You can act as you please though, you're free to do so, just as others also are too. This means you can post as you choose to and can cry like a little baby as well. But don't be surprised when others act as they choose as well.

I add ten downvotes to your tally everytime you complain to me about anything at all, so you're up to...hmm, not sure, let's just call it 50. You understand?