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RE: The expected, and being ready

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

No one can prepare for unknown future. There always be a possibility of things going wrong.

Yes, so I said.

The door cost $1800. It is really costly. I hope you got the entire amount back from insurance company.

As I said in the post, the claim is in and they will pay for it in its entirety. (Fifth paragraph down after the garage door image in case you want to read it.)


Aha read it man. But Here in our country the policy maker be very friendly when they make a policy but when it comes to make a payment, there always be hazards. Such as checking value of scrap, checking if it is really accident and lot of other activities for that they could escape it.😂😂They always try finding some faults specially you have little knowledge about the policy.

Insurance companies always like to weasel out of paying out, they do it here too. In this case it's irrefutable and I'll get paid. As it turns out, I already have a claim in for that house due to storm damage incurred two weeks ago. So, they'll fix up both and pay for both.