
in Galenkp's Stuff9 months ago


Stuff comes and goes on the blockchain and people too I guess, it's just the way of it, but some stick. Concepts and users come along and get involved, work out well, or not, find traction and endurance, engagement and enjoyment, ignite in a flame of excitement then burn brightly but briefly, or meet an ignominious end and are soon forgotten, or simply just leave for whatever reason. It's the way of things.

We need concepts and users though, it's the former that attracts and retains the latter and now and then one comes along that I see as valuable and which I want to support.

Many concepts come along and mostly those who develop and promote them put in a lot of effort...effort is what the blockchain needs (along with other things) and if effort is expended in the right areas then rewards come...I'm talking about rewards for those who put the effort in but, in respect of the blockchain and everyone on it, we can all benefit too. It is, after all, everybody's blockchain.

Recently something came along called @holozing championed by @acidyo, who has expended a lot of energy and effort to create a new game-concept for the blockchain, (along with others who have supported him), and whilst I've been involved in a very small way as a delegator and am in no way involved in the project itself I feel I'm a part of it nonetheless, simply for the fact it's blockchain based.

I've made no secret of the fact I'm not a gamer and have no interest in gaming, I live my life in the real world, but having said that, I've also made no secret of the fact that I support the blockchain because I actually like and enjoy it and therefore have gone to some length to support it and various concepts, and users, who deserve it also. With that in mind, I decided to support the @holozing endeavour with a delegation of over 100,000HP some time ago.

I see @holozing and the Zing token concept as a good example of what the blockchain can be used for, a good vehicle to carry it forward and grow it and to help onboard new people which can only work well for all of us who enjoy the Hive blockchain. The fact I don't like gaming personally doesn't enter into the conversation, for me it's a blockchain thing not a gaming thing, and anything that can promote and grow the blockchain is something I will look into and potentially promote or support as with @holozing.

I'm not sure where the project will go and what benefit it may have to the blockchain overall but I feel it is good to have it here, and other projects like it, which can help to spread the word and reach new potential users. It's like throwing pebbles into the pond and causing ripples to spread out...only, in this case, those throwing the pebbles get to enjoy it a little better through playing the @holozing game should they wish to, and to earn some @zing tokens also.

Anyway, I felt inclined to write this, a simple statement confirming support for concepts like this which help underpin the blockchain and which could ultimately see it rise. I'll not play the game, no interest and no time, but that's not the point...the point is the blockchain - onboarding, progression and sustainability - and that's something worth supporting.

What are your thoughts on concepts that use the blockchain and have the potential to promote and grow it?

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


It is quite exciting, major events on the ole chain just show that the place is growing and evolving

Agreed and it'd s good thing. There's plenty wrong, but projects like this helps to tip the balance back the way it should be.

Yeah, if the balance is tilted in the good direction it defo helps

Glad to see you supporting Holozing as well. Taraz has been one of the biggest delegators and holders of Zing. I really like the concept of it rewarding the delegators, instead of doing weird airdrops. Most of the delegators are probably the players as well, so rewarding the early supporters is really nice. know tarazkp is my brother right? (Like, literally my brother.) Just saying, not sure you know.

Anyway, I'll not be playing the game, I have no interest and no time for such things, but I support in my own way, delegation, and hopefully the game itself does some good for the blockchain, which I think it will. know tarazkp is my brother right? (Like, literally my brother.) Just saying, not sure you know.

Yep, I've known for a while now, and that's actually the reason why I brought him up haha. I know he is a big Holozing supporter, so seeing you support it as well reminded me of it.

Ah ok, just wasn't sure if you knew. He started a little before me with the holozing support, I had a lot on my plate at the time it began so ignored it for a bit.

Thanks for the support! You and many others delegating are all part of shaping up the game which I plan to last for a very long time!

I don't have much clue as to exactly what goes into an endeavour like this although I have been around long enough to know that effort is required and it often pays off.

It seems like holozing is getting some good traction around the place and progressing and with the team's work behind the scenes I'm sure it'll go from strength to strength.

Heh yeah there's a lot of effort going on and a lot of things left to do, it's quite a big project but taking it easy one step at a time. Passion for this surely helps and I have to say it's one of the projects I've been most passionate about on Hive and glad I got to get it going eventually.

They say, slow and steady wins the race, but sometimes 'slow and steady' seems a lot like trying to run down a very steep hill and keep one's feet moving fast enough so that one doesn't end up tumbling end over end. I'm sure you know that...but...if you end up doing the head over ass tumble make sure someone videos it and does a post.

Seriously though, I mean it.

Ok, seriously now...I'm sure you'll meet your goals, even if you don't journey there on the path you originally set out upon.

Hi Galen, I still have a hard time talking about blockchain. I didn't come to Hive because of philosophy, I came because of my interest in the designs of a creator. I still like to know where I am and I researched and continue to research and learn. I recently saw a movie called Freechain that cleared up some more of my doubts. Today I learned something more about the reasons for engagement with the platform from many hivers. I wish this project like others from Hive to succeed, there is a lot of work, illusion and dedication in a project like this. From the blockchain I am attracted by the freedom of expression that is linked to decentralization and cryptocurrencies. I am also interested to know how power relations are expressed within the blockchain, they occur in all communities, and how these influence the development of Hive, this time will tell me. Best regards

I don't know much about it all either, I'm not the smartest guy out there, but I know what's good for it and projects like this are definitely that. I like it here, there's frustrations of course, but I like it and have been around for almost seven full years anything to promote it positively is a good thing.

Have a good weekend.

Wow interesting that you are onboard - in your own way! I personally have delegated HP and am following the development too! :)

Time will tell how it goes, but if the early indications are anything to go by, it'll go pretty well I think.

I’m like you, not into gaming, but something about this project just makes me want to support it. Who knows, might even try playing it and see what happens!

We can't support everything...or probably can but in ineffectual ways, so I've chosen carefully over the years and holozing seems something worthy of a sizable delegation. I get the impression the project is led well, supported with good people doing the grunt-work and certainly has been received well by the users...time will tell of course, but I think time will tell a good story.

Yes, I do have a good feeling about this project, and I’m going to buy some starter packs too when they come out. An investment you might say.

I'll probably do the same.

I delegate to quite a number of projects that I think have a lot of potential or do a lot of good on the Blockchain. Holozing is one of them. The thing I love about delegation is if you lose confidence, you can always pull it back. No penalty besides the three days.

There's no risk to it as you say, and plenty to gain - a strong blockchain is what I want to see - and if everyone was to jump on board in whatever fashion they liked then it could only be good for the blockchain.

I've seen a couple people complain that rewards have went down due to so many people delegating away. Ultimately it's our stake to use how we want.

Yep, I vote at the same percentage but with over 100,000 delegated to Zing the value of vote is much is what it is, I've handed out a lot of votes over almost seven years, if people think it's not enough, that's on them, not me.

I totally agree!

Great to hear your following and supporting a new blockchain game, I am too, but I am a big gamer, I know you do a lot for the content creation side of things, so this is great news. have a look at #terracore another blockchain game by an awesome developer.

I figured this one was worth supporting and from what I have seen so far my decision has been vindicated. The team is doing a good job, that's plain to see, and despite gaming being abhorrent to me personally it doesn't mean I'm not willing to support things that support the blockchain. I've known acidyo for a long time now and it seemed the right thing to do in respect of delegation and this little promotion post.

I agree with you here and on top of it every now and then I even play a game a little 😺. Games can bring in a lot of new peeps, just look at Splinterlands… That’d be great for our blockchain. Also you and @acidyo are both ‘real’ and Hive OGs that I respect and support as little or much as I can, so yeah I’m delegating to Holozing and Posh as well, only a fraction of your delegation but - every little bit counts, right?

Hey Ocean, I hope you're well. (I was going to say, I hope you 'bee' well but that would have been a bad dad joke...despite not being a dad.)

As you say, every little bit helps and the more that get on board the more the blockchain and everyone on it will benefit. As far as delegation or support of any kind...I don't see large or small...I just see support and so yes, your delegation helps.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Since I saw the support dynamic for Holozing, I thought you would support it, everyone who follows you knows how you defend and support everything related to the well-being of the blockchain and this game is something good for Hive. Although many think that this post is not important, many should follow your example, supporting the blockchain as we can.

On the other hand, I can't imagine you playing Holozing 😅, I think your brother Taraz will play it for both of you

I'll leave the playing to others, I'll do the supporting. 😉

Wow ooo, this is huge and very encouraging, I like the fact that one can equally only be a delegator, you may still not be a gamer.

One can be either or both I guess.

both will be better for your zing earnings :D

Don't make me quit my job and play holozing man, that's what it'd take to fit it in. 🫣🤣

lol don't worry, for starters we plan on giving players control of which hours they get their wild creature encounters, like from 6pm to 10 pm so it doesn't get you in trouble :D

Haha, I'll be late for work every morning...could be worth it though huh?

Although it is true that in my adolescence I played video games, especially with my brother and we loved it, nowadays I don't have the time nor am I very interested in it.

But it is true that it seems to be an important project and if it helps the blockchain why not support it.

For example of the game that already existed when I started, Sprinterland, on the blockchain I am very interested in promoting the design, although I would not play it, but they are interesting projects to support because they favour the development of the whole.

Projects like this create a buzz if activity, much more so than a front end does, like Ecency for instance; things like holozing brings people to the platform, all those people who like playing video games and such things and, whilst I'm here for different reasons, supporting such things is important.

That's what I thought .... I'll read more about it, it's interesting. If it's for the betterment of the ecosystem, then good for you! It requires a lot of effort and I value that a lot.

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