
I'm going to try the no shirt method all week starting from today and see how it goes. If Kate Collins on the channel nine news propaganda reports an indecent exposure then you'll know it's me.

Dribblers anonymous gathering. No shirts, all the liquid.

Before I brush my teeth, I have to remove my shirt, or I end up with toothpaste stains all over it, so I'm definitely going to be a founding member.

The exposure is only indecent if you're a laundromat or dry-cleaner owner. Thick walled mugs are a conspiracy by big laundry to make us wash more garments.

Therefore, by removing your shirt before "dribbling", you're saving the Earth by wasting less fluid on washing.

Oh yeah, the tooth paste thing makes you the Grand Poobah of the gathering for sure.

I'm totally with you on the conspiracy's all the laundromat owner's fault...and Vladimir Putin's as well of course.