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RE: Dependent

The issue of saving and using resources by reducing environmental impact interests me a lot, I think it's great that in your country and specifically you have this disposition for the use of solar panels and electricity supply networks of this type.

In my country it would be very beneficial to implement these alternatives, however, our problem here is very big because economically we are in very bad shape, so people who have money to invest in panels and that kind of thing don't do it.

Here the main problem is that all the energy comes from the same hydroelectric plant, due to the poor maintenance of the network we live with constant blackouts and electricity rationing, in 2019 there were two big blackouts for two weeks in the entire country, they were chaotic times. For this reason, electricity bills are extremely cheap because they cannot charge a high price for such a poor service, but at the same time that people do not pay, the problem of lack of budget to repair the system increases, it is like a loop of issues.

In my country we have a good climate, specifically in the area where I live we have something in common with Australia and that is that it rains very little, here the sun is always very strong, we also have wind, so implementing an energy system with panels solar and also wind energy would be a good solution, but there are no resources from the government and there are no individuals who can do it from a private company.

What I see as most worrying is that people with monetary resources are simply not interested in saving energy and they are not interested in reducing their environmental impact either.

In my case, there is very little that I can do, but in my house we do not use incandescent lamps, only led or fluorescent lights, we do not have many appliances, in fact right now we wash clothes by hand, I try to turn off the lights early at night and did not leave devices on standby. They are small things but they help, because it is not about money, it is also about not saturating the system, because when people consume too much energy, the transformers that are on the poles explode and the national company never replaces them because they say they do not have those things for the crisis.

I hope one day the situation will improve, I dream of having a house that has its own solar panels


If everyone was invested in using less, consuming less, then the world would be in a better way I think. But people just want more more more...An insatiable appetite for the latest thing, as if that will validate or make relevant the person.

It's a shame such a beautiful country as yours has declined financially...I don't know all of the reasons of course because I am not there, but greed is one thing that's to blame. Also, that loop of issues, you mention which I just commented to someone else about. Without the infrastructure (maintained) then it's never going to work well, and for that there must be income that doesn't get misappropriated. Sad that it happens there, and also in other places.

Point in case, solar arrays, wind and hydro power as you mention...Here there's some strong investment in those areas but in your location...I guess none.

It's amazing how different your situation is to here in Australia, a fairly affluent country, but I like that you're actively working to mitigate cost, power usage and damage to the environment. I'd like to see more Australian's do it, but most probably don't care enough; living in the land of plenty can have that effect.

It's impossible to draw parallels between our two situations or between a country like Australia and third world countries...but we can all do something to make a difference I think.

Thanks for your great response and your thoughts, I have come to expect such intelligent responses from you, and I appreciate it.