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RE: Quality and value...where have you gone?

in Galenkp's Stuff11 months ago

It's crazy, right? A family business, more than one around here through the years, hard working folks that paid their blood, sweat and tears to build a quality business whose patronage was passed down from generation to generation.... successful.... booming.... then some young whipper snapper thinks they can do it better. One completely ran the place out of business within a very few years. The other is still going, but some of their locations are struggling. It makes no sense ! Dummasses ! LOL

Ok on the favorites. I knew mine hadn't worked in a while, but for a long time, it would work and then every so often, I would have to hit the reload a few times, but it would eventually come up. For a few weeks now.... no show ! I follow more than I had on my favorites list, but sometimes I come in for only a moment here or there and I didn't want to ever miss my votes on folks that had been extra good to me or for some reason I was giving my small support. It sure made it easier to be able to pull that group up first. Oh well..... I am still finding most, but I am probably missing something once in a while too.


I use my favourites list for those I want to support but not follow...those who sometimes post something interesting but often post gaming shit that I am not interested in. Not having it means those people aren't being supported now and that's sad. I wonder why it's not fixed.

I don't keep up with a lot of technical and "things are changing" news around here. (That made me laugh when I typed that).... but I was beginning to think that maybe they discontinued it on purpose and I just didn't get the memo !

Yeah, seemingly the memo was lost in the cyberspace of...cyberspace. that's if there was a memo. Having said that, it doesn't make sense to remove it but leave the link to it. Oh well, another mystery for the annals.