I'm glad we don't all have to like the same thing ! 😄
I'm not so in to watching sports in general and cars driving round in a circle over and over .... well.... it hasn't been something I could happily get into.
I understand many love racing of many kinds though. Here, there are many folks into NASCAR.....although I don't know if it's following is as huge as it used to be.
Lol..."cars driving in a circle." Heard that before. I get it though, I mean, I think netball is the dumbest sport known to mankind (except maybe for golf) and nothing anyome could say would change my mind...bot some love those sports.
It takes all sorts of people and likes and dislikes though huh?
Yes.... all sorts, that is for sure.
There just needs to be something more happening to keep my attention or entertain me.
I have always said I was a great one to invite to a Super Bowl party or something, because I'm a good one to fetch more snacks for everyone or the such, because I don't care what I miss on the game. LOL ...you know, like a designated driver for drinking people, a designated snack fetcher, drink refiller for game day. It should be a thing !
Snack fetcher...you're invited to my next Super Bowl barbeque and if you're not doing anything Sunday night there's a Formula One race on TV live from Monza, Italy...I'll need snacks! 😁
Ok, but I may need some ear plugs for all that insane noise. 😄
I'm a shooter, I've got ear plugs and muffs aplenty! 😊