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RE: Find a match

Finding common ground connections, similar topics, debates, outlook in life. Normally supporting each other in communities we meet more like-minded folk is most probably first introduction.

Always being respectful, not everyone uses the same language, able to express what they try to project, sometimes reading or using translator one sees a very different picture, give people a chance.

Mutual respect, no strategy required, if one oversteps boundaries making another feel hurt or betrayed, walk away...

Unusual places or interests always worth looking at, learn something new! Stay grounded being who you are, acceptance in others as they are, no strategy difference be it in person or online.


It seems like you've summed it all up rather nicely here. I can't disagree.

Who are you trying to impress being someone else online? Makes no sense! We are all right and wrong 🙃

Me? No one. Others? No idea.

Yeah thought so, be yourself....

Me be me they be they. It's the only way for it huh?

More often than not, yep!