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RE: The expected, and being ready

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

Ah yes. One of those things I believe everyone needs to prep against. People often think it won't happen to them, but nearly everyone I know has had it happen to them at least once.

I detest thieves. Not necessarily the ones who hit a bank or gov agencies, large retailers, etc. but the ones that target people. While I know those other things have a downstream effect on individuals, it's not quite the same as targeting people directly. I suppose plays off the bully theme that I can't stand either..

While most jurisdictions have laws against booby-traps (which would be my preferred method), a good preventative and post-incident measure is installing good security cameras. Not just ones that record to a USB card, or video recorder. I like the ones like Nest Cams that send me a realtime alert, record it directly to the cloud for playback later, can detect if it spotted a person or vehicle, and also have a microphone where I could yell at the bastards and tell them they are on camera and to tell them the police are on the way, and if they leave without damaging/taking anything, I won't give video to the police. (I will anyway, because who honors a promise to a $%^&ing thief?).

It's not so much the value, because generic things can be replaced, although insurance rarely covers all, and seems to always have those deductions and exclusions. It's really that for those personal items, they are stealing a part of ourselves.. the memories of those trips in that camper, the time spent building the legos, sharing them, the time and love put into improving those items, keeping them safe, etc.

My favorite is still the Nest cams for this. Even though their developers completely botched up the best mobile app and web app when Google bought them up. They are almost back on track now with a decent mobile app, and just missing the computer web app to use with the camera's. Maybe not critical for everyone, but I'm at my computer very often, and used to prefer keeping a window open with live feeds of some camera's say if expecting a package or watching the yard cam in evenings for wildlife. Anyway, Really a fan of their garage light, Nice motion sensor with night vision and auto-on light when it detects motion. It works via power when plugged in, and can go for weeks on battery if power is lost (assuming you still have internet). We've got several now, around the garage, driveway, yard for wildlife, and even indoors a few hidden. This way we can check on the dogs, cats when gone as well as detect if intruder actually gets into the house while gone. It's easy to configure those to only record motion/alert when we leave the house (works off of phone location) so it's not tracking us all the time. Then of course some signs up that say it's under video surveillance (even if it's not) are a good deterrent as well. I know some folks have done that even with fake or non-working cameras to help.


I agree with your assessment and thoughts on theives. The problem is that the occurrences will increase with financial pressures, rising cost of living and all.

I've thought about the camera thing although I don't have internet connected at the property. I could get it, but I'd rather not. I was thinking about a few trail cams instead. It's not a deterrent but will give me some footage at least. I'll think on it some more and may put a few under video surveillance signs up and maybe a fake camera or two in the meantime. It could be a good accompaniment for the multiple claymores and VS-50 anti-personnel mines I have deployed around the place.

Yes, I've looked into the trailcams a bit as well. Those can be good options, but require the ones with cell card (and subscription) to get the real-time notifications. Can be worth it if just putting up one or maybe two camera's, else if wanting multiple camera's generally cheaper to just bite the bullet for the internet and wireless cams. Our cell service is still virtually non-existent where we are, so not an option for me.

Going to look into a few options and see what might work. I have a USB internet connection there which my solar system uses to report stats, I may be able to work off that.

Thaaaaz Right...

Get the game cam that does the video clips. We love ours. Critter watch 2022 is ongoing... LoL

And it was surprising to see the neighbor kids walk right up to it and point at it. Smack dab in the center of my fenced property. Trespassers and thieves have No respect for others or self awareness of the danger they put themselves in...

I'm on it...when I get time...Fucken trucking mate. You know how it is.