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RE: Injustice and retribution

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago

Certainly in alignment with my patterns. It's been quite difficult learning to hold back on some folks. Of course, in a psychologist view that could also be seen as "enabling" their behavior and perhaps a proper response could be helpful to both them and others. lol justifying of course.

Many Wiccans believe in the Wiccan Rede or "Rule of Three" (also called the Three-fold law or Law of Return). I prefer to call it the Rule of Nine (and then I add one to payback 10 times over just for good measure because after all, I AM an overachiever).

It goes something like this:

Mind the Wiccan Rede Ye should,
Three times bad and three times good.
What you sow comes back to thee
Not just once, but three times three.

Good Karma to you for holding back my friend, and remember they will get theirs. We don't always have to be the messenger.


Good response, I like it.

I knew I'd get different kinds in response and certainly expected the, I have done no wrong and am perfect, comments which have been received. (I call bullshit on that). Anyway, its important to understand the situation and act/react accordingly; acting rashly is most often going be an incorrect action and one may regret. I've walked away many times on occasions that have been of a serious nature, not pulled the trigger so to speak, and if course have done the opposite. So...I'm not angel, but I've learned plenty and that's what's important.