I love what you eat, so if I were near you, we'd make some trades for sure. It's easier for me to have those kinds of meals than to try to make one that will probably turn out as bad as concrete. Hahaha...plus I think that when you work, you should eat light things. Because otherwise I'd get too sleepy, instead of going to work relaxed after lunch, I'd go to work asleep.
Good things stick, just as much as bad things. But you are very wise and so you expand that habit of eating healthy. Good for you.
I agree with you, it's best to eat light foods at work especially if one is sitting at a desk working rather than being more active. I try to stay off carbohydrates also, for a few reasons, and I feel much better for it. What I found interesting is how people started to eat more healthy around me after a while, not always of course, but many are making much better choices now.