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RE: Kitchen considerations

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

There's definitely a few things I would have changed in my own behaviour had I known then what I know now (especially financially) and I think J would be the same, but yeh the kids would definitely have been had again if we had a do over XD

Good to know about the IKEA and Bunnings systems! I have some confidence and also soe reservations with IKEA, I guess it depends on what you get, like we got some cupboards from there and the one we built into our bedroom (the house is really old and has pretty much no built in storage) is amazing, the two we got for the big two's bedrooms (which have since been repurposed for other things) are both still in pretty good nick but the three smaller ones we got as linen closets are trying to lose shelves (for whatever reason the pegs keep flying off). Guess everything has to roll a 1 sometimes xD


I think IKEA stuff rebels against being moved once it's put together, that's my experience., although it makes it easy to pull apart and discard when the tome comes. 😆