I keep old electronics around partly because they've died before I could factory reset them and mostly because they're points of interest for the kids (the wonder at discovering some of the floppy disks and original iPods and really old mobile phones before they were entirely screen we still had lying around was great XD).
I like looking at old things (including things in museums) and trying to figure out how they worked and comparing and contrasting to modern equivalents if any exist.
ps forgot to mention, pretty cool that your friends were able to recover a decent chunk of their outlay :D
Floppy disks...I remember them. It's amazing how things change. Imagine someone born in 1900 and died in 1990...amazing what they've seen come to pass right?
I go antiquing where possible, several times a year, love museums and curiosity shops, (bric-a-brac shops) and wandering around on properties like my girl's cousin bought. There's always something of interest and often something of value. And yes, they knew the opportunity that existed when they saw it (quite by accident) and despite the owner's sons taking a (valuable)car wreck or two out of the deal there's still so much value to be had. I look forward to going back.