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RE: Wankers

in Galenkp's Stuff9 months ago

Did you do the cover image specifically for this post or did the cover image just happen to fit the topic? XP

Some people genuinely haven't looked at porn even if they know it's out there. And some people look at porn for the weirdest reasons (like one time I heard/read/got told that porn was a pretty good resource for artists because it's one of the few times you'll see people in full motion with no clothes on which then makes muscle movement study a hell of a lot easier, and they were right, but at the time I didn't have the ability to just focus on studying something in particular if I found the overall thing boring and I found it boring).

And now I'm veering off on a historical perspective wondering if sex became a taboo topic for so many because in the early days maybe it was a way to try to mitigate stds before there was reliable technology to do that.

and I'm too lazy to do that research but actually lazy unlike the conversation I had with youngest last night where he was telling me that because whale penises are so freaking huge and they like to poke them out of the water on occasion for reasons?! that anyone on the water unfamiliar with whales or whale anatomy could easily mistake it as a giant kraken tentacle and I was like "I am not looking that up" and his immediate response to me staring at him when I said that was "I CAN EXPLAIN. IT WAS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY."


Big ass whale boners huh? Well, I guess mistaking one for a Kraken brings new meaning to the words, "release the kraken!"

The photo was one I took for another shoot but I remembered it and thought it might go well with this post, seemingly I was right as it's sort of suggestive of...well, you know.

I think the whole subject of the taboo nature of talk about sex, pornography and nudity is quite interesting, how people relate or respond to it, and is one that's probably been talked about for thousands of years. Back in the day showing some ankle was considered quite risqué...these days it's dick and vag and ass and seemingly anything times change.

I never thought of that til you said it and now I will never be able to unthink it XD