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RE: Wars...still

in Galenkp's Stuff7 months ago

Sometimes the nice simple stories are the most fun.

Seriously it's been how long and the nine aren't a box set whut o_O

Now I'm wondering if we have all of them, definitely got the original trilogy but I don't think J liked the other ones very much.

it's less human and more computer



Nine movies yeah, it's a lot huh? Not as many as The Fast and Furious which I think are up to movie 87!

I always figure it's fine and doesn't matter how many as long as there's still a story to tell but every now and again I wonder about some of these stories x_x

They could save on production costs by using the exact same footage from the first movie and dubbing new dialogue over the top over and over.

I kind of want to see how that would look now because it could either be brilliant or more likely terrible XD

Do you think there would be people that would watch it and think it's amazing anyway?

More likely more terrible. Lol.

And yeah, I'm sure there's people out there who would dig it. (I'm not one of them.)