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RE: Boobs but not the fall

I remember the glimpse of boobs though, one must always remember the good things right?

Priorities! Or maybe that should read 'Priorititties' lol.

Ahhh...opportunities opportunititties lost, you blew it friend! You had the perfect nurse right there beside you all warm, naked and with boobs all ready to pillow that hard head of yours lol. Those sheets can be treacherous, maybe next time sleep a little closer to your nurse!


One must priorititties the opportunititties that come along, grab them with both hands and make the most of them.

You know, I'd expected her to wake up, I mean it wasn't a graceful fall and the collection of flesh and bones hitting the floor must have made some noise and the what the fuck I uttered...well, it seems my "nurse" prioritittied her sleep over my general wellbeing. I was left to fend for myself. 😭

awww...doggonnit! No bonus sausage for her then. She better start attending to her patients with more astute attention. I think you should ask her for a follow-up appointment

I know right? I even had my Medicare card on hand and my private healthcare member number. The health system is flawed...and just when I needed it most because I was floored.

See what I did there?

lol good job

Bloody short comment...certainly worth a larger vote though. 😉

Is that your way of telling me I talk too much?

Nah, it just amuses me to give larger votes to small comments...but only on those like yourself who enrich my life and time on Hive of course.