Hehe, good job Galen.
I often specialize in taking something and making a joke or incorporating it into my joke.
Somebody might come out and say that they are exhausted. I would respond by saying something like "That's what you get for running behind the cars.... you get exhausted."
I rarely tell jokes but when I do they are either really bad or really inappropriate in this sanitised world we live in; the joke I actually told in that meeting is not one I'd repeat here. It had the desired effect though. A little humour, or attempt at it can go a long way in certain circumstances.
Yeah the sanitized environment can be a bit much...
I have to do a lot of "Hey, I said that because it was funny!" Like... I don't always believe in or agree with what I am joking about.... but it WAS funny.
Often showing people that I am willing to risk making a joke they like me more because actually the kind of people who get "offended" at everything are pretty rare.