With poetry, though, it’s not always easy to tell if it has been produced by a graphomaniac or maybe a winner of the Nobel prize in literature. So maybe it matters who writes?
Does reputation matter too?
Or maybe reputation is the key?
As it has always been. How many big names on Hive already only get upvoted because of their name? Someone with a name on Hive can shitpost and make $50 bucks while someone who hasn't "made it" can produce excellent content but only get a buck or two of upvotes. I'm not complaining—I know there are many curation projects that are always trying to balance this problem, but it is as it is, with people not even reading posts just upvoting because of who posts. Or perhaps more likely people trying to game curation to max out their curation APR. I don't see AI generated content affecting this at all. What AI generated content will make more problematic are these curation projects that are seeking to reward people who actually do make the effort. I don't envy those groups at trying to tackle this problem.