
Yes, but basing on your previous question you'll probably fail with understanding it's structure. Running local node and using get_block might be much easier to achieve that. Please read the docs.

Yes thats rigth, but here I have a number of restrictions on how to run a node and get a block, so I said it would be a great help if I could download block_log and analyze block information through it.

You don't even need to run a node, just get_block from remote public API (please remember about distinction between Steem / Hive, those are two separate blockchains). And be prepared for a lot of data, uncompressed JSON will take hundreds of gigabytes.

I've used get _block before, it took a long time for each block to take a second, so if block _log gives me the same get _block information, it will help me a lot. And I'm trying to do more research on the difference between Hive and Steem. Thank you.

Excuse me, if I want to get the information via get _block, what features (what kind of server or RAM and cpu) do I need? And what can be done to speed up the response to requests?