dorika-bee cross-posted this post in Construction 3 years ago

Renoviranje stana je počelo-Renovation of the apartment has begun

in Feel Good3 years ago (edited)

Dobar dan. Danas cu pisati o krečenju i lepljenju tapeta, o tome kako sam ja to uradila bez puno para. Ove godine sam odlučila da u nekim delovima stana lepim tapete i tako da nesto promenim i osvežim prostor u kom zivim.
Krečenje je i tako bilo potrebno jer prošle godine nismo nista osvezili i zidovima je i te kako bilo potrebno krecenje.Sa dve devojčice koje treniraju gimnastiku i non-stop se prevrču, prave sveće i druge vezbice a glavni oslonac im je zid možete zamisliti na nekim delovima koliko je to prljavo bilo.
Suprug Bojan je bio zadužen za krečenje kao i uvek a ja sam tad pomoćni radnik a u lepljenje tapeta sam odlučila da se isprobam ja po prvi put. Tako će zadovoljstvo na kraju biti veće jer sam ja to uradila a i uštedeću za majstora. Bojan se nije slagao u početku jer se bojao da ću da upropastim i tepete i zid i da neću to umeti ali ja se nisam skagala sa njim, probaću pa ako ispadne dobro super ako ne nema veze zvaću majstora upomoć. Videla sam jednom kako su to radili a i na internet ima upustvo i nemam zasto da ne uspe. Smatrala sam da su nam zidovi ravni i da to nije tako komplikovano.
I Poceli smo:
Prvo krečimo spavacu i hodnik. Oslobodili smo zidove i sklonili sitan nameštaj.

Good day. Today I will write about painting and gluing wallpaper,about how I did it without a lot of money.
This year I decided to glue wallpaper in some parts of the apartment and change something and refresh the space in which I live.
Painting was necessary because last year we did not refresh anything and the walls are and you need to move. With two girls who train gymnastics and roll over non-stop, they make candles and other exercises and the main support is their wall, you can imagine in some parts how dirty it was.
Husband Bojan was in charge of painting as always and I was then an assistant worker and in gluing wallpaper I decided to try it for the first time. So the pleasure will be greater in the end because I did it and I will save for the master. Bojan did not agree in the beginning because I was afraid that I would ruin the beating and the wall and that I would not be able to do it but I did not quarrel with him, I will try so if it turns out well great if it doesn't matter I will call the master for help. he has instructions and I have no reason for him not to succeed. I thought that our walls were flat and that it was not so complicated.
And We started:
First we painted the bedroom and the hallway. We freed the walls and removed the small furniture.


U spavaću iz ljubičaste sam htela da promenim u svetlo krem a u jednom ćosku da zalepim tapet.Izabrala sam dezen"kora drveta".

In the bedroom, I wanted to change from purple to light cream, and to glue wallpaper in one corner. I chose the "tree bark" design.


Bojan sprema polikolor.Meša rukom jer mesač ima ali mu nije kući a kad smo odlučili da počnemo nismo mogli da čekamo do sutradan. Petak popodne i start. Prvo kreči plafon i zid koji je u belojboji.

Bojan is preparing the polycolor. He mixes with his hand because he has a mixer, but he is not at home, and when we decided to start, we couldn't wait until the next day. Friday afternoon and start. First, paint the ceiling and the wall, which is white.




Završio je ove dve prostorije i sad ja nastupam.Napravila sam lepak prema upustvu, izmerila visinu zida i sekla tapete. Nema uklapanja pa je jako lako za sečenje. Ostavila sam 4cm duže jer sam čitala da tako treba.Bojan i Bjanka,ćerka, su pomoćnici. Nanosim lepak prvo na tapetu i preklopim je i treba da odstoji par minuta dok ja nanosim lepak na zid.

He finished these two rooms and now I'm performing. I made glue according to the instructions, measured the height of the wall and cut the wallpaper. There is no fit, so it is very easy to cut. I left 4 cm longer because I read that it should assistants. I apply the glue first on the wallpaper and fold it and it should stand for a few minutes while I do apply glue to the wall.



I naravno da je uspelo lepljenje u hodniku.Taj zid je bio kivi zeleno, takav je i plakar a sad sam htela nesto svetlije sa malo zelenih detalja. Veoma mi se svidja kako je ispalo.

And of course the gluing succeeded in the hallway. That wall was kiwi green, so is the closet and now I wanted something brighter with a few green details. I really like how it turned out.



Ovako je uspelo u predsoblju a za spavaću tapete sam naručila ali nisu stigle do sledeće nedelje.
Veoma sam zadovoljna i srećna što sam ovo uradila. Kad smo završili Bjanka nam je stavila sladoled u činije i u predsoblju smo odmorili uživajući u pogledu na naš rad.
Sami radeći, sa malo para smo napravili promene koje mnogo znače. Kad završim biću veoma srećna i sa većim zadovoljstvom će cela porodica da boravi u ovim prostorijama, jer smo se svi trudili.

This is how it worked in the hall, and I ordered wallpaper for the bedroom, but it didn't arrive until next week. I am very satisfied and happy that I did this.
Working alone, with a little money, we made changes that mean a lot. When I finish, I will be very happy and with greater pleasure, the whole family will stay in these rooms, because we all tried.

Pozdrav od vaše Dorike

Greetings from your Dorika


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