Pozdrav prijatelji danas cu da vam pricam o dekorativnoj tehnici sa kristalima. Svaki proizvodjac boja ima svoj naziv, ja koristim BK Iskra. Mnogi je nazivaju : Perla, Kristali, Iskra. Sve je to isto.
Hello friends, today I will tell you about the decorative technique with crystals. Every paint manufacturer has its own name, I use BK Iskra. Many call it: Pearl, Crystals, Spark. It's all the same.
Koliko boja i materijal mogu oplemeniti prostor videcete u ovom primeru. Koliko je vazna spavaca soba, i boje u njoj videcete i to.
You will see in this example how much color and material can enrich the space. You will see how important the bedroom is, and the colors in it.
Zadatak: Srediti spavacu sobu, okreciti plafon u belo, tri zida u neobicnoj boji kao "senf". I zid gde su balkonska vrata odraditi "Kristale". U mome slucaju BK Iskra.
Task: Arrange the bedroom, paint the ceiling white, three walls in an unusual color as "mustard". And the wall where the balcony door is done "Crystals". In my case BK Iskra.
Po cemu se razlikuje Iskra? To je kao i ostale, dekorativna vodoperiva gotova boja, miksuje se na BK mix sistemu, pre miksovanja ubacuje se pakovanje Kristala, da bi dala svetlucav sjaj.
What is the difference between Iskra? It is, like the others, a decorative water-washable finished color, it is mixed on the BK mix system, before mixing, a package of Crystals is inserted to give it a shimmering shine.
Nanosi se cetkom kao i ostale tehnika, samo sto se ne vraca praznom cetkom da bi se razvlacio pesak. Nanosi se u dva sloja, prvo sloj sa leva na desno, a po susenju, najbolji posle 24 h, drugi sloj sa desno na levo.
It is applied with a brush like other techniques, except that it is not returned with an empty brush to spread the sand. It is applied in two layers, the first layer from left to right, and after drying, the best after 24 hours, the second layer from right to left.
Potrosnja je upola manje od ostalih tehnika, 1 kg BK Iskra 4-5 m2. Podloga u boji BK Deco Akril 6-8 m2, podloga se obavezno nanosi u dva sloja, drugi sloj po susenju prvog.
Consumption is half less than other techniques, 1 kg BK Iskra 4-5 m2. Substrate in color BK Deco Acrylic 6-8 m2, the substrate must be applied in two layers, the second layer after drying the first.
Smaragdna zelena BK Iskra izgleda fantasticno. Ispocetka, nije delovalo da ce boje da se uklope, i da ce spavaca soba tako dobro da ispadne. Na kraju ovaj posao mi je jedan od najlepsih i najdrazih.
The emerald green BK Iskra looks fantastic. At first, it didn't seem that the colors would fit, and that the bedroom would turn out so well. In the end, this job is one of my most beautiful and dearest.
Toliko od mene ovaj put, i od ove prekrasne dekoradivne tehnika i boje.
Sledece put pricacu vam isto o BK Iskra ali u rozoj boji u decijoj sobi.
Pozdrav od Ujka-VS
So much from me this time, and from this wonderful decorative technique and color.Next time I will tell you the same about BK Iskra but in pink in the children's room.
Greetings from Uncle-VS