Plesan u kuci, zasto nastaje i kako ga se resiti - Mold at home, why it occurs and how to get rid of it

in Construction3 years ago (edited)


Pozdrav prijatelji danas cu da vam pricam o plesni u kuci ili kako ga narod zove budj. Sve vise se javlja a uzrok moze biti raznovrstan. Uglavnom je velika kolicina vlage u kuci, losa izolacija kuce, losa izrada termoizolacije spolja na kuci,losi prozori i vrata, hladni sastavi na kuci gde je postavljen beton, prokisnjavanje krova, nejednako grejanje kuce, ili nedovoljno provetravanje kuce, u kuhinjama zbog nedostatka aspiratora. Skoro svakodnevno se susrecem sa problemom u svome poslu. Opisacu vam u dva slucaja zasto je nastalo i kako resiti problem.

Hello friends, today I will tell you about the mold in the house or as the people call it budj. It occurs more and more and the cause can be varied. Mostly a lot of moisture in the house, poor insulation of the house, poor insulation of the outside of the house, bad windows and doors, cold joints in the house where the concrete is placed, leaking roof, uneven heating of the house, or insufficient ventilation of the house in kitchens due to lack of aspirators . I encounter a problem in my work almost every day. I will describe to you in two cases why it arose and how to solve the problem.





Prvi primer.
Prijatelji su iznajmili stan a u jednoj sobi bila je plesan, u samom uglu, od plafona do poda. Iako je stan na trecem spratu javila se plesan. Problem je napravio oluk koji je na tom spoljnom zidu, koji je star i na jednom mestu je pocepan i propustio kisnicu. Dugo je vlazio spoljni zid koji je preneo vlagu na unutrasnji zid, kada je topli vazduh dosao u kontakt sa hladnim i vlaznim zidom nastala je plesan. Oluk je morao da se zameni a ja sam sredio ceo stan. Zid na kome je nastala plesan naprskao sam sa sredstvom protiv plesni. Mnogi ljudi grese pa slusaju razne savete, uglavnom grese pa koriste svasta, Peru zidove, stavljaju razne izbeljivace za rublje... plesan se samo tako jos vise siri. Eventualno sa novinama istrljati zid i skinuti plesan. Ja koristim Savo ili Moldex. Naprskam zid prateci upustvo obavezno otvoriti prozor i koristiti masku. Nakon 24 h nastaviti sa radom, plesan je nestala, ako je potrebno postupak ponoviti, ponekad je potrebno i mehanicki ocistiti zid papirom za smirglanje ili spahlom. Zid sam prekrecio bojom Maxi Dis F, koja je namenjena za takve zidove.

First example
Friends rented an apartment and in one room there was a dance floor, in the very corner, from the ceiling to the floor. Although the apartment is on the third floor, there was a dance. The problem was caused by a gutter on that outer wall, which is old and torn in one place and leaked rainwater. For a long time the outer wall was wet, which transferred moisture to the inner wall, when the warm air came in contact with the cold and damp wall, mold formed. The gutter had to be replaced and I tidied up the whole apartment. I sprayed the wall where the mold was formed with an anti-mold agent. Many people make mistakes and listen to various advice, mostly they make mistakes and use everything, Peru walls, put various bleach for clothes ... the mold only spreads even more. Possibly rub the wall with newspaper and take off the mold. I use Savo or Moldex. I spray the wall following the instructions be sure to open the window and use a mask. After 24 hours of work, the mold is gone, if it is necessary to repeat the procedure, sometimes it is necessary to mechanically clean the wall with sandpaper or a spatula. I painted the wall with Maxi Dis F paint, which is intended for such walls.




Drugi primer
Moji dragi prijatelji jedva su skupili novac za kupovinu kuce. Koliko imas novca pa sta mozes da kupis sa njim. A onda slede popravke. Problem je bila kuhinja. Stari i los prozor, kuvanje hrane i bez aspiratora, i onda nastane ovo.

Second example
My dear friends barely raised money to buy a house. How much money do you have so what can you buy with it. And then the repairs follow. The problem was the kitchen. Old and bad window, cooking food and without an aspirator, and then this happens.






Sedam dana je utroseno da bi se kuhinja sredila. Pet dana sam prskao sa sredstvom Savo da bi se nekako skinula plesan, u malter zida je usla. Na kraju je mehanicki odradjena kuhinja, namazana podlogu, okrpljeno i ogletovano. Zamenjen je stari prozor sa novim, postavljene nove plocice, i okreceno Maxi Dis F.

Seven days were spent to tidy up the kitchen. Five days I sprayed with Sava to somehow remove the mold, it got into the plaster of the wall. In the end, the kitchen was mechanically finished, the base was smeared, patched and glazed. The old window was replaced with a new one, new tiles were installed, and Maxi Dis F was painted.



Nastali problem se resava kada se odkloni uzrok. Profesionalno tretirati zid, sobu, kucu, sa odgovarajucim sredstvima i bojom. Zimi provetravati kucu, grejati sve prostorije jednako, odraditi profesionalno sve izolacije, i postaviti kvalitetne prozore i vrata, u kupatila postaviti prozor ili ventilator, u kuhinji prozor i obavezno aspirator. Plesan je veoma losa po zdravlje pogotovo kod dece, ogromna vlaga i u vazduhu, i jak neprijatan mirisa, unistava sve, od poda,namestaja, odece, zdravlje. Cuvajte svoje domove koliko mozete, i krecite redovno jer je to zdravlje. Pozdrav od Ujke.

The resulting problem is solved when the cause is removed. Treat the wall, room, house professionally, with appropriate means and paint. In winter, ventilate the house, heat all the rooms equally, do all the insulation professionally, and install quality windows and doors, install a window or fan in the bathroom, a window in the kitchen and, of course, an aspirator. Mold is very bad for health, especially in children, huge humidity in the air, and a strong unpleasant odor, destroys everything from the floor, furniture, clothes, health. Take care of your homes as much as you can, and move regularly because it is health. Greetings from Uncle.


Neverovatno sta sve moze da uzrokuje ali zdravlje je ipak na prvom mestu , hvala na savetu i podeljenom iskustvu.

 3 years ago  

Sluzimo otadzbini.

Svaka cast ujko.Jako lepo si sredio te prostorije.