Totalna trasformacija, od stare sobe do prelepog salona sa "Saharom" -A total transformation, from the old room to the beautiful salon with "Sahara"

in Construction3 years ago (edited)


Pozdrav Hiveri prijatelji i ljubitelji gradjevine. Danas idemo da obnovimo staru sobu i pretvorimo u predivan salon.

Hello Hiver friends and lovers buildings. Today we're going to renew old room and converted into a beautiful salon.




Veliku sobu, sa puno stvari zatekli smo u ne bas dobrom stanju. Tek kada se sklonile stvari i slike imali smo pravi uvid u stanju sobe, puknuti zidovi, vlaga, dosta prljavi zidovi i boja sa zidova koja je sama odpadala.

We found a large room with a lot of things in not very good condition. Only when things and pictures were removed did we have a real insight into the condition of the room, cracked walls, moisture, quite dirty walls and paint from the walls that fell off on its own.





Ograniceni sa vremenom moralo je brzo da se radi, a posla puno. Sve srediti, okrpiti, okreciti plafon i 3 zida, okreciti gipsane ukrase i lajsne, i na jednom delu uraditi "Saharu".

Limited with time should quickly that it is a lot of work. Take care of everything, okrpiti, whitewash the ceiling and three walls, whitewash plaster decorations and moldings, and in one part do "Sahara".




Prvi dan. Oljustiti sve sto se skid sa zidova i plafona, ocistiti, naneti podlogu, i okrpiti. Zbog dubine i
velicine rupa krpili smo iz dva puta.
Drugi dan. Smirglanje zidova i plafona, krecenje u belo plafon i svi cetiri zida, dva puta.
Treci dan.Farbanje gipsanis ukrasa i gipsanih lajsni, ocrtavanje zida na kome dolazi " Sahara", lepljenje traka i folije za zastitu zida, nanosenje podloge u boji za saharu.

First day. Peel off everything that skid off the walls and ceiling, clean, apply foundation, and to patch up. Because of the depth and sized hole cloth are from twice.
Other day. Sander walls and ceilings, painting the white ceiling and all four walls, twice.
Third dan.To paint gipsanis decorations and plaster moldings, delineation of the wall on which comes "Sahara", sticking tape and foil to protect the wall, causing the substrate color of the Sahara.






Cetvrti dan. Sve je spremno za "Saharu", i da pogledamo nas veliki posao kako je uspeo i odmor.

Fourth day. Everything is ready for "Sahara", and let's take a look at our great work and how the vacation turned out.








Izgleda da smo uspeli. Meni se svidja, nadam se da se svidja i vama. Pisite, glasajte, i vidimo se na sledecem zanimljivom poslu.

We seem to have succeeded. I like it, I hope you liked and you. Write, vote, and see you at the next interesting job.


Was it just the walls you remodeled? I think the colors are great for the salon you are building! I hope you don't take out the chandeliers!

 3 years ago  

To taste the boss of the house, only we worked walls. Unfortunately in my country is the purchasing power of small, so people do not have a lot of money. And I like to do nice and all, but sometimes I'm not able to. That's why I try to do what nicer and better. Chandeliers remained. Best regards and thank you for your support.